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Formatting an HTML file

When creating an email, you can either design the message directly in Actito thanks to the email editor, or you can import your own HTML file. In this way, you can choose what suits your needs and internal processes the best.

When using HTML files, there is a series of guidelines to ensure that your html file works properly and that your profiles receive the email correctly. There are restrictions and rules and recommendations based on best practices.

You can import either:

  • An HTML file, which contains images in absolute (hosted on a third party server)
  • A ZIP file, containing one or more HTML files according to the number of languages in the campaign. It is advised to use one HTML file and one image file per language. The maximum size of the ZIP is 4 Mb. We advise that each image should not weigh over 200 kb.
Multilingual campaigns

In multilingual campaigns, you must import a zip file with an HTML file per language.
The name of file must be index followed by the ISO code of the language.
Ex. : index_fr.html & index_en.html

AB testing campaigns

In AB testing campaigns with a test on the content, you must import a zip file with an HTML file per version.
The name of file must be index followed by the letter of the version.
Ex. : index_a.html & index_b.html

Actito's personalizations and conditions can also be embedded in an HTML file. In the article on how to use Actito specific tags you will find some examples and cases.