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Actito is committed to continuously improving its solution through frequent updates. On a regular basis, a new version of the platform is deployed in production, bringing in new contents, feature updates or bug fixes. Each update is announced through the notification center within the platform.

Most of the time, new features are added directly to existing applications.

But sometimes, a whole new solution is added altogether, taking the best of an existing application while being entirely rewritten in a new app. In order to move on with the evolution of the platform, the long-term plan is to have this new up-to-date module eventually replace the old one.

To guarantee you a smooth and transparent transition, such maintenances will be announced in advance on this page and through dedicated communications.

Maintenance calendar

The following calendar will summarize the schedule for each maintenance that may require users to migrate processes to a new solution.

Each specific maintenance will be detailed below.

Legacy featureReplacement solutionEnd of service schedule
V4 operations to retrieve all entities & profile or custom tablesV5 operations to retrieve all entities & profile or custom tablesMay 6, 2025
Actito Transactional Messaging Platform (ATMP)Integrated Transactional Module (ITM)March 31, 2025
URLs before the API Reference ReorganizationURLs with the API category prefixJune 30, 2025
V4 mass importsV5 one shot ETL executionsJune 30, 2025
V4 profile 1by1 API callsV5 profile 1by1 API callsMarch 31, 2026