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What's new in Actito?

Actito is committed to continuously improving its solution through frequent updates. On a regular basis, a new version of the platform is deployed in production, bringing in new contents, feature updates and optimizations.

Each update is announced through the notification center within the platform.

As a rule of thumb, such updates (also called 'Deployment In Production') occur every 3 weeks. However, the release schedule may be modified at the discretion of our Quality Assessment team.


Updates are released separately on each environment. They usually occur on a Tuesday for ENV-0 and ENV-1, and on the following Wednesday for ENV-3.

Let's review the latest updates deployed in the Actito platform !

February 2025

New navigation experience in Actito!

Marketeers now benefit from a new navigation experience in the Actito interface!

The revamped sidebar allows you to reach more essential application of your license in just a click, without needing to leave the page you're currently on!

A new Apps Center replaces the Catalog. Folders are replaced by reorganized categories, so you can locate any application in the blink of an eye, or find it trought the search bar.

Moreover, both the app center and the sidebar allow you to 'add to favorites' the apps that you use the most, so you can easily and directly reach them!


Do you prefer a thinner sidebar? The new one can be collapsed so that it expands only when you hover it!

Discover the new navigation!

Push devices targeting filter

Marketeers who send push campaigns can now apply an additional device filter at the targeting step.

Standard targeting filter are indeed used to make a selection of profiles... but a profile can own several devices.

If you want to only send your push notification to a specific type of device, this new device filter is perfect to use on top of your usual targeting!

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Custom table structure new export format

Last release, we aligned the JSON format used to create and update Custom Tables from the User Interface with the format used in API calls. This 'new' format is clearer and allow more flexibility to create complex cleaning rules and scenario trigger events.

To help tech-savvy marketeers duplicate and update existing custom tables, it is now possible to download the table definition using the new format.

January 2025

New Conditions operators

To help marketeers build more dynamic conditions, especially in scenarized e-mails that aren't set at a fixed date, new Conditions operators are new available when you create an e-mail.

These operators are similar to those available in the Targeting module and concerns TEXT fields (contains, Starts with) and DATE fields (relative criteria on day, week and month), plus the opposite criteria.

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Push campaign templates

To ensure more flexibility regarding deeplinks (links that open a specific page within a mobile app) in Push notifications, several new templates are now available when you create a Push campaign.

Each template has their own specificities regarding links. Please follow the documentation for an overview.


The "Any link" template supports all types of deeplinks and standard web links.

We recommend marketeers to use this template if their app uses the Push SDK version 3.10.0 or above, and their website uses the SDK version 3.6.0 or above (both released July 2024)

Facebook Audiences update

As Facebook accounts are based on an e-mail address (or mobile phone number), the Facebook Audiences integration previously required the emailAddress (or gsmNumber) to be a unique key.

To allow marketeers whose DB uses a customer ID as unique key to synchronize profile with Facebook/Instagram Audiences, the integration no longer requires the emailAddress/gsmNumber to be unique. In fact, it also now allows the synchronization to be made on both field.

New Data import interface

Marketeers can now create a manual one shot exports directly from the 'Manage Imports' app.

A new, more user-friendly import wizard is now available to create import in Custom Tables.

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The 'Profile tables import' remains exactly the same but can now be accessed through this new entry point. The old icon will be removed in a future release.

API JSON table structure in the IU

The structure of the JSON models used to create and update custom tables by API calls previously differed from the JSON models imported from the user interface. As the API structure is simpler than the UI one, this created a confusing experience for users trying to update their tables from the Actito interface. Indeed, an action doable in the UI shouldn't be more complicated than a technical one.

To align both models on the superior and more user-friendly version, the JSON structure from the API can now be used in the UI too.

The old UI JSON structure remains supported until the beginning of March.

Profile API V5

The API calls to get, create, update and delete single profiles has been updated to the V5.

In addition to following market standards more closely, it offers a simplified JSON structure and enhanced performances.

This new API will at term replace the existing V4 Profiles API.

December 2024

Push advanced parameters

Marketeers can now choose if they want to display their push notifications in the in-app inbox of their application.

The inbox is a feature that you may have developed in your mobile app, to keep a built-in history of all messages sent to the users.

In addition to choosing where the notification will be displayed, it is now also possible to parameter how long it will be displayed!

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Best sending moment in exports

The optimized sending moment of e-mail campaigns calculated by the "Best sending moment" AI integration, as well as the optimization type, is now included in exports linked to e-mail campaigns.

Customizable ETL output files names

Technical operators are now able to define the names of the output files of ETLs (results and error files). This allow them to build integrations to monitor the results of these synchronizations more easily.

Marketeers are also able to view the customized names of the output files in the "Manage imports" app.

Stricter SMS aliases legislation

As of January 2025, spaces and special characters will no longer be allowed in SMS alphanumeric aliases (that allow, in some countries, to replace the shortcode by the name of your brand, for example).

To follow this legislation, non-allowed characters will be blocked at campaign creation. Remaining spaces and special characters (because of personalizations or continuous campaigns) will be automatically removed at sending.


November 2024

Scenario templates

Scenarios are essential in your marketing activation strategy, as they allow marketeers to automate processes by combining one of the several available triggers with all the Actito communication channels.

To inspire marketeers and help them start with the basics, 4 scenario templates are now available for everyone.

  • Welcome program
  • Birthday
  • Retargeting
  • Inactivity

The additional, more advanced templates can still be activated license by license.

AI update

Augmented Intelligence helps marketeers to be more efficient and productive in their day-to-day tasks and strategy implementation. AI is ever present in Actito and has been helping in ways you might not have noticed.

The AIO logo now signals features that are driven or boosted by AI.

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Profile search by API improvement

Technical operators can now use additional query parameters to limit the fields retrieved in the response to the API call to Get a list of profiles.

This allow them to retrieve just what they need in their integration flows, decreasing the size and processing time of the response.

October 2024

External target lists

With external target lists, marketeers can automatically trigger scenarios or campaigns with a dynamic target provided by a third party or a partner.

No need to manually retrieve a file and import it in your targeting criteria: thanks to the 'File Synchronization' concept (introduced with Triggered ETLs), the file is automatically extracted as soon as it is dropped on a FTP and thanks to the revamped external target list, it becomes immediately available in (saved) targetings used in automated processes.


Setting an external target list requires API calls and the help of your technical operators, who can follow the step by step use case on the Developers Portal.

Targeting improvement

Marketeer building targeting criteria on dates can now use the new operator 'is last month' to select profiles whose reference date is in the previous calendar month.

Push improvement

The character limit in the title and the text of Push notifications is no longer enforced and now merely a recommendation.

ETLs 'triggered by API'

Technical operators can now define ETLs for which the source file can be provided directly through an API call. This entails all the advantages (such as the 'Transformation' part) of ETLs, a fixed definition for monitoring, while keeping the flexibility of API calls.


Want to learn more about the different ways to push data into Actito and the best use cases for each method ? Check the Developers Portal!

Webhooks on export execution

While marketeers can already automatically receive an e-mail report whenever an automated export is launched, technical operators can now automatically receive a Webhook notification with the result of the export. This can be useful to automate the file retrieval from a FTP, for instance!

Push campaigns API

In line with Actito's other channels, technical operators can now set up API calls to create, update and schedule one-shot Push notification campaigns, allowing you to automate these sendings in your technical stack.

To help them define these campaigns, we have also introduced an API to retrieve the list of existing saved targetings.

In addition, drafts of incremental exports on Push activities can now also be created by API.

September 2024

AIO chatbot

Meet AIO, your chatbot powered by artificial intelligence! After learning by heart all the content of the documentation and of the Developers Portal, it is ready to answer your questions and guide you in your journey on the Actito platform.

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Please keep in mind that as an AI chatbot, AIO is not always right. Remember that you can always contact the Actito support if you need further help!
If you are contacting support as a follow-up from an exchange with AIO, it is helpful to provide the content of this exchange in your support ticket.

Push notifications one shot exports

The interactions of your Push notifications campaigns can now be exported directly from the "Manage push campaigns" and "Manage exports" apps.

Marketers are therefore able to analyze these interactions, just like the other channels.

File Synchronization monitoring API

To follow up on the introduction of triggered ETLs last update , new API routes are now available to check the status of your file synchronization retrievals.

This helps technical users monitor these synchronizations that run automatically when a new source file is detected on a FTP server.

August 2024

Triggered ETLs

After implementing automated retries in scheduled ETLs last month, we continue to extend the capabilities of our flat files synchronizations.

'Triggered' ETLs are a new type of automated imports: unlike the existing 'scheduled' that automatically run at a defined frequency, they are constantly on the look-out for new files. Thanks to an active polling, they are triggered whenever a file with a specific naming pattern is found on a cloud location (like a FTPS).

This gives much more flexibility to marketeers and technical operators, as it prevent issues should there be any delays in your upstream processes (like exports from your CRM or partner) and gives you the possibility to integrate several files per day through the same ETL.

E-mail campaigns KPI

Marketeers now benefit from additional filters in the 'Manage e-mail reports' app, such as the dates, the database, subscription, campaign type or campaign group.

This helps you precisely analyze the data of specific campaigns according to your filters, as you can now generate an aggregated report of your campaign selection.

Moreover, you can now export the KPI of the corresponding campaigns!

One shot ETLs API documentation

One shot ETLs (the upgraded version of deprecated API bulk imports) now have their own section in the developers portal.

July 2024

Best sending moment AI optimization

Thanks to Actito's AI engine, you can now optimize the sending moment of your e-mail campaigns. The AI will compute the known opening and click behavior of each profile to determine the moment they are most likely to interact with the campaign.

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The sending moment optimization is now available both for one-shot campaigns and continuous campaigns triggered by a scenario.


The best sending moment AI optimization is currently in 'early adopters' phase.

If you are interested by this feature in the future, please contact your account manager.

New export frequencies

It is now possible to schedule weekly or monthly periodical exports, which is useful if you don't need to retrieve the data every day.

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Incremental exports can now also be scheduled multiple times per day, to allow you to retrieve your events more frequently.

Scheduled ETLs retries

Technical users who schedule ETL synchronizations can now specify a retry policy.

This means that if the source file is not present on the cloud location (FTPS or SFTP) at the scheduled time of the synchronization, Actito will keep trying to retrieve it for a set period of time.

With this update, manual relaunches will no longer be needed if data exports from your CRM are delayed for any reason.

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Multi-table templates

Marketeers can now build a whole data model thanks to multi-table templates, which allow to create several interconnected tables.

These templates can be used to quickly set up a new datamart, or simply for inspiration to allow for subsequent modifications.

Dartagnan connector update

The Dartagnan connector, which allows marketeers to directly import HTML designed with our partner Dartagnan, is now also compatible with AB testing or multilingual campaigns.

Alert center update

The alert center has been updated to spot more errors related to Custom Audiences and Audience rules.

June 2024

BCC in transactional e-mails

Transactional e-mails typically contain important information such as order or shipping confirmations.

When your customer service team is contacted by profiles, they may need to access the content of the sent e-mails. But they probably don't have access to Actito...

Thanks to the new BCC feature available in the definition of transactional e-mails, a blind copy of the message can be forwarded to a list of dedicated addresses, such as the mailbox of your customer service team!

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Additional date formats in personalizations

After introducing date and real number formatting in personalizations, we are expending the formats available for dates and moments attributes.

This will allow to personalize the dates displayed in your messages depending on your needs and writing conventions.

Push interactions details in profile view

You now have access to the detail of push campaigns when browsing the interactions of a specific profile.

We also harmonized the details of email campaign interactions.

Actito has launched its video library!

The Actito documentation now contains a new 'Training' section. It contains short videos to help you learn everything about Actito, from the basics to more advanced topics like the Push channel or deliverability.

It is also a excellent way to help your prepare getting certified as an Actito power user!

May 2024

Advanced parameters on loop personalizations

After introducing additional additional formatting features on personalizations for dates and numeric fields in previous updates, marketeers will now be able to apply these same advanced parameters on loop personalizations.

Indeed, loops are very handy to display order confirmations, which requires displaying prices. Thanks to these advanced parameters, these prices (and dates) can be formatted too.

Pre-existing features such as defining a mapping or a default value is now also possible for loops.

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Loop variables matching the technical name of a custom table are now automatically mapped when selecting this table as personalization source.

Push events incremental exports

Marketeers are now able to retrieve data generated by the Push channel by creating incremental exports on Push events.

"Sent", "Not sent", "Delivered" and "Clicked" Push interactions can now be exported.

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In addition, the "Subscription updates" incremental export can now also be filtered to only include subscription updates for the Push channel.

April 2024

Offer Management: Unique vouchers assignation

The Offer Management optional module allows marketeers to manage a catalog of commercial offers. In combination with the power of targetings and scenarios, it helps you assign the right offer to the right profiles at the right time!

This module now allows you to manage a list of unique voucher codes to award to profiles who get assigned an offer, without requiring additional data flows between your Actito license and your point of sale system.

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The offer details can then be shared to the relevant profiles through all the Actito communication channels.


If you are interested by the Offer Management optional module, please contact your account manager.

Numeric values and dates personalizations improvements

There are many ways to write numbers: periods or commas for decimals, the other symbol or a space to separate the thousands...

Marketeers from all over the world can now format their real numbers personalizations to ensure that, for instance, the prices and amounts are displayed according to their expectations. They can also choose the number of decimals kept and the rounding method.

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In addition, following the last update dedicated to dates personalizations, it is now also possible to display the age of a date in months.

Image editor in templates

Marketeers can now edit images added to a template directly in Actito!

Thanks to this new integrated feature, you are able to crop and resize an image, but also to add texts, filters, and many more!

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Dashboard UI update

The dashboard, your Actito homepage, has been graphically updated to display more information at first glance!

Customer Activation Barometer 2024

To prepare for Activation Day 2024 in Paris, we invite you to take stock of your customer activation practices. Contribute and receive exclusive results!

March 2024

Date personalizations improvements

Following the technical revamp of the personalization picker in January, we deliver our first functional improvement, with a focus on dates!

It is now possible to create a personalization to display the sending moment of a campaign (which doubles up as the date of the day).

In addition, new date formats are available and marketeers can apply additional transformations on all dates, such as calculating the age of a date, or adding a number of days/weeks/months to its value!

Useful to display the validity of an offer, for instance.

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Anonymous Push subscribers improvements

To help marketeers identify when an anonymous Push subscriber has become identified, 4 new fields have been added to the linked data table storing the devices subscribed to Push notifications.

They help visualize the origin of the device, its subscription status and the moment when it was transferred to an identified profile.

This information is useful in targetings, especially to ensure that identified Push subscribers do not receive notifications they already got when they were anonymous.

In addition, when all the devices of an anonymous subscriber have been identified, the anonymous profile is automatically cleaned from the DB.

Engage integration improvements

Marketeers using the Engage integration to directly link and prefill Qualifio campaigns in their Actito communications will now recognize the different channel types more easily thanks to icons matching the Qualifio interface.

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In addition, the variables to prefill questions on Qualifio are now automatically mapped when a match is found with an Actito DB profile attribute.

SMS sending time filter

French marketeers face specific challenges when scheduling SMS campaigns, because marketing SMS are not allowed after 20 pm and on bank holidays in France.

A new filter helps them making sure French profiles are not contacted outside authorized hours.

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February 2024

Push notifications: targeting anonymous subscribers

Actito's integrated Push channel with our partner Notificare now enables you to create campaigns on anonymous subscribers, namely people who subscribed to notifications without being identified (because they are not logged into your website, for instance).

Thanks to this improvement (based on a separate automatically populated profile table), your entire Push notification messaging strategy can now be put in action through Actito's channel.

In addition, the Push channel also benefit from visualizing all the devices linked to a profile in a dedicated custom table.

Profile e-mail activity Insights

Thanks to a new section in the DB report, marketeers can now easily visualize the e-mail activity distribution of a given profile table, based on pre-defined activity recency thresholds that can be customized.

This will help you assess the quality of your DB, and carry out action plans if a share of your profiles should be re-activated.

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Engage: predefined set-up form

To help you set up Actito Engage (the integration with our partner Qualifio), a predefined form can now be set up in your license.

With minimal adjustments to fit it to your DB, you'll be ready in no time to push the data collected through Qualifio campaigns into Actito, allowing you to use their rich survey creation capabilities in your Marketing Activation strategy.

Relaunch targeting criteria warning

To help marketeers plan relaunch campaigns for profiles who not opened or not clicked in an origin campaign, we have added warnings that will inform you if your targeting criteria are not precise enough and present the risk of targeting profiles who have not received the first campaign.

This will help you make sure to schedule efficient campaign relaunches!

January 2024

Linking Qualifio campaigns in Actito campaigns

Thanks to the integration with our partner Qualifio, you could already synchronize participations to your Qualifio campaigns with Actito, and activate your data just as if it had been collected through an Actito form.

With this new step, you can now insert links to your Qualifio campaigns directly in Actito campaigns (e-mails, SMS, Push,...) and prefill them with data from your DB, without needing to retrieve the prefill link from your Qualifio account.

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Managing templates for the Distributed Marketing Application

Actito's Distributed Marketing Application (DMA) allows central marketeers with a big local network (of clubs, sales outlets, leagues,...) to delegate the sending of campaigns to local operators.

These operators know the customers very well, but might not be marketing experts. Therefore they do not access the Actito license directly but rather a separate platform where they only have access to what they need to fulfill their goals.

Meanwhile, the central users determine the brand identity aspects, such as the templates available for the locals teams. These templates can now be entirely defined in your Actito license, without requiring any intervention from the Actito teams.

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Templates with predefined targetings

In some sectors, multiple business units (brands, countries,...) often share 1 single database. This can present an extra challenge of making sure that the right users can only target profiles relevant to their business unit.

Advanced users can now create campaign templates in which a predefined targeting will be defined.

This predefined targeting will be the basis of the target: standard users won't be able to edit it (but they can add extra criteria). This will ensure that they can only target the subset of the DB relevant to them.

In addition, it is possible to create a custom users right configuration that cannot create an e-mail 'from blank', making use of the templates (and their predefined targeting) mandatory.

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This feature is activated on demand. If you are interested, please contact your account manager.

Ibexa Digital Assets Management

Marketeers can now use a new Digital Assets Management platform (DAM) to insert their images in Actito. In addition to Bynder and Cloudinary, the DAM of our partner Ibexa is now integrated in your license. It will help you manage your visual assets and use them in your e-mail campaigns.

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The Ibexa DAM integration is currently only available to existing Ibexa clients. Please contact your account manager if you are interested by this solution.

Personalization picker technical revamp

In order to allow us to make improvements to the personalization module, it was entirely rewritten in technologies that will help us develop such upgrades.

The new personalization picker is now available by default. The old version of the picker remain available under the 'More' button at the 'Message' step of your campaigns.


While it is, for the moment, only a technical rewrite, there is already a very visible difference: you no longer need to save the definition of your personalizations! Every change is saved automatically.

December 2023

Monitoring My Alerts

In your Marketing Automation strategy, many objects are interconnected, and it is not always easy to make sure that the whole flow is still running smoothly.

The 'My Alerts' app is now there to help you spot definition errors in your ongoing campaigns, scenarios, audiences,...

Thanks to the error message, marketeers will easily be able to spot where the issue is. Then, they'll be able to correct the definition error, or perhaps to de-activate the object if it appears that it's actually no longer in use.

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Search filters on campaign templates

Campaign templates allow you to save with both the content of an e-mail campaign, but also the other steps of its definition (targeting, headers, advanced parameters,...).

This is very useful if you want to easily re-use a configuration for several campaigns, or to create a branded canvas for other users of the license.

To make these campaign templates more easy to use, they are now searchable ny name and can be filtered by entity!

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Improvements on product categories aggregates

Product categories tables allow marketeers to assign several categories to a product and to aggregate the purchase interactions of all items belonging to a specific category.

To help you use this advanced feature, the targeting criteria based on aggregates have been optimized (ensuring results consistency) and it is now possible to get a global view of the aggregate model, with the links between the tables.

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Profile view in Custom tables rows

In the 'Manage tables data' app, marketeers can now easily reach the profile file associated to a custom table row thanks to the new 'View profile' button.

This is very useful to visualize profiles associated with interactions and linked data (especially in product categories aggregate tables).

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November 2023

Campaign targeting calculation safeguard

While the targeting of a one-shot campaign is always re-calculated at the exact moment of sending, it is a always a good idea to use the 'Calculate' button at step 2 of the creation of your campaign to get an idea of a result. This allows you to check if it's consistent with your expectations. Indeed, you don't want to send a communication to your whole database when it should have been aimed at a subset.

To prevent such mistakes, a warning is now displayed if you attempt to 'Send' or 'Schedule' a one-shot campaign without having calculated its target.

Personalization picker technical revamp (Beta)

In order to allow us to make improvements to the personalization module, it was entirely rewritten in technologies that will help us develop such improvements.

The new personalization picker is now reachable at the message step of your campaign by clicking on the 'More' button, then 'New Personalizations (Beta)'. Fell free to test it! The current module is still used by default when you access the 'Personalizations'.

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October 2023

One shot Push notification campaigns

Our Push notification channel has been expanded with one shot campaigns!


In addition to triggering push notification through scenarios, marketeers can now create mass push notification campaigns to reach a large selection of profiles at once through targeting criteria.

Manage imports improvements

We continue expanding the 'Manage imports' app, to help you visualize your synchronizations from the interface.

Marketeers now gain greater autonomy, by being able to update the frequency and the report recipients, without requiring any technical intervention!

September 2023

Product Categories aggregates

Knowing which profiles bought a specific product can be useful. But to analyze more global trends, marketeers want to identify product categories and target profiles accordingly.

Thanks to specific tables added to your data model, you are now able to assign several categories to a product and to aggregate the purchase interactions of all items belonging to a specific category.

You can then target all the profiles who have bought a specific type of clothes, for example, or any product category relevant to your business! You can also use these data to condition your e-mails.

Targeting Product Categories


The Product Categories tables require a specific set-up. If you are interested by this feature, please contact your Account Manager.

AI powered e-mail subject generator

The subject of an e-mail is a crucial matter. After all, this is one of the first information seen by recipients in their mailbox, and a deciding factor for opening an e-mail.

To help you find the perfect e-mail subject, Actito has implemented Artificial Intelligence that suggests different subject propositions based on the content you've written.

AI subject

Single Sign-On with Qualifio

Actito Engage is the integration with our partner Qualifio, that offers 50+ interactive formats (quizzes, contests, surveys, tests, animated games, etc.) to engage audiences across digital channels and collect first- and zero-party data.

The data is then synchronized with Actito, where it can be activated through all the available channels (e-mails, SMS, scenarios,...)

To allow you to easily jump from one platform to the other, we've added the 'Manage Engage campaigns' app that acts as a Single Sign-On with Qualifio for users of both tools.

Qualifio SSO

E-mail editor technical update

Actito has completely rewritten its e-mail template editor!

All previous features are still there and the interface stayed the same, but the technology behind it has been updated. It means better performance and an optimization of the code produced by the editor.

Usage of the new e-mail editor has now been generalized.

Abandoned Carts set-up

Abandoned carts are a major challenge for marketers. To help you create a relaunch campaign project, Actito has recorded a 'good practices' video and designed a relaunch scenario template fully customizable according to your needs.

abandoned cart

Push campaigns targeting improvements

Additional criteria have been added in the 'Push' targeting module, to allow you to target profiles who have received or clicked a Push campaign.

August 2023

AI powered SMS shortener

The length of SMS messages can sometimes be a bit of a headache. Indeed, marketeers need to mind the character limit to avoid doubling the number of SMS sent and credited.

To help reduce the length of your messages, Actito has introduced an SMS shortener powered by Artificial Intelligence. It takes your input to suggest a shorter version that can fit in 1 message.

sms shortener


Not wanna work with AI? Admins can deactivate AI-powered features globally in the license parameters.

Dartagnan connector improvements

Multilingual and AB testing campaigns have been added to our Dartagnan connector.

Marketeers can now import separate designs in their e-mail campaigns depending on the language.

Manage imports improvements

We continue expanding the 'Manage imports' app, to help you visualize your synchronizations from the interface.

You are now able to view the frequency, the report recipients and the description of a synchronization in the details of its definition.

July 2023

HTML Content libraries Content libraries are a powerful tool to store HTML content that can be referenced dynamically in your e-mails. They allow you to display very personalized content depending on the profile or to quickly update several e-mails sharing the same reference.

While previously these libraries could only be managed by API, marketeers can now access them thanks to the 'Manage content libraries' app.

Manage content library

This new app allows you to create, edit and also visualize content blocks directly in the interface!

Update content block

Push notifications improvement

To improve the user-friendliness of our Push notifications channel, you can now visualize the definition of an active Push campaign.

Dartagnan connector

Our partner Dartagnan offers an innovative e-mail builder. This French tool is popular with marketeers who want to design advanced e-mails without any technical input.

After integrating your Dartagnan account to your Actito license, you can now directly retrieve your projects and import them in your e-mail campaigns.


Bounced e-mail incremental export improvement

In addition to soft and hard bounces, the 'Bounced' e-mails incremental export can now also include the rejected e-mails qualified as spam by webmail providers.


Spam bounces are when the webmail directly filters the message, without delivering it to the recipient mailbox, presumably for reputation issues.

This is not the same as the recipient 'reporting the e-mail as spam' (which is a complaint, leading to blacklisting the address).

A toggle in the definition of the export allows you to choose which type of bounce you want to include in your file.

Bounces incremental export


Are you encountering too many 'spam' bounces? Discuss with your account manager to enlist the help of our deliverabiliy experts.

Manage imports improvements

We continue expanding the 'Manage imports' app, to help you visualize your synchronizations from the interface.

You are now able to view the expected format of the input file, and to review format errors that prevented the data loading.

format validation

You are now also able to pause (and unpause) a synchronization directly from the interface.

June 2023

'Manage imports' app

Actito gives you several options to automate data imports in your license, such as ETL synchronizations or API imports. However, setting them up requires technical knowledge, and is usually done by developers or by the Actito teams. To help marketeers visualize the synchronizations scheduled in their license, as well as past imports, you can now access the 'Manage imports' app.

This app can help you check the status of imports that finished running, or check when your next automated synchronization is due to run, for instance. It allows you to check every step of an import execution, visualize the import reports, and download the result or error files of an execution, to help you find out why some lines were not inserted.


Test values for loop personalizations provided by API

At the 'Check and test' step of e-mail campaigns, it is now possible to input sample values when you test loop personalizations whose values will be provided in the API call triggering the e-mail.

May 2023

Facebook audiences

Actito's audience channel is evolving! To provide the immediacy that the previous app (managed by flat exports) lacked, Actito has developed a new integration with Facebook custom audiences.

After entering beta phase earlier this month, the Audiences integration is now available in your license.


It allows you to synchronize audiences in Actito with the custom audiences. This concept, used both on Facebook and Instagram, allows you to target your social media ads to a specific group of profiles who have already shown an interest in your services.


The profiles can be added to an audience through targetings calculated by automated audience rules, or through the scenario app.


To connect Actito profiles with Facebook accounts, the e-mail address (or mobile phone number) must be a key of your database.

Additional styles options in template editor

Marketeers building their e-mail with the Actito standard templates now have additional features available in the editor.

It is now possible to define borders and change the radius of CTA buttons of your e-mails, in order to display rounder buttons.



These button styles, as well as the padding and the borders applied to the whole blocks, can now also be updated in the 'Global styles' of the template, in order to modify all the blocks at once.

The additional styles are available in the Actito standard templates as well as blocks of the module library that contain CTA buttons.

If you want to use these features in a custom template, please contact your account manager.

Automated SSL certification on link domains

Actito is deploying a new solution to automatically implement and renew SSL certificates on your link domains, without requiring your intervention! These certificates allow you to secure your link domain, which is used to host your images, forms, mirror and unsubscribe links, but also the redirection that enables link tracking. Displaying a secure connection with this domain using the HTTPS protocol is important for the user experience of your profiles.


If you want to manage your certificates yourself, you can still continue to do so using the existing process.

'Manage imports' app

Actito gives you several options to automate data imports in your license, such as ETL synchronizations or API imports. However, setting them up requires technical knowledge, and is usually done by developers or by the Actito teams.

To help marketeers visualize the synchronizations scheduled in their license, as well as past imports, you can now access the 'Manage imports' app.


This app can help you check the status of imports that finished running, or check when your next automated synchronization is due to run, for instance.

Push notification integrated channel

Push Notification is the new integration in Actito's multi-channel offer. With this optional module, you will be directly connected to our push notifications provider, allowing you to easily create and send these useful short real-time messages both on your website or in your mobile application.


After setting up an integration, marketeers will be able to create scenarized push notification campaigns for web and/or apps.

These notifications can include text, images, emojis, links and even personalizations with the values stored in your Data Model.


Once a campaign is activated, you will be able to use it in a scenario and trigger it through the various start events available in Actito. The message will be sent to all profiles who are opted-in to push notifications on one of their devices (web browser or mobile app). The subscriptions are automatically synchronized with Actito following the preferences of the profiles on your website or your app.


If you are interested by this optional module, do not hesitate to contact your account manager!

Campaign type filter and export feature in the Dashboard

After adding a date filter on the Dashboard last month, we continue improving the marketeers' Actito homepage!

In addition to the one-shot e-mail campaigns, the Dashboard now provides KPIs regarding the number of interactions of scenarized and transactional campaigns over the period of your choice.

Moreover, these stats can now be exported as well, with a breakdown of all the campaigns covered by this period.


Source filters in 'Deleted profiles' return flows

There is a new filter in return flows used to retrieve 'Deleted profiles', both those configured by marketeers in the interface ('Deleted profiles' incremental exports) and those implemented by technical operators through the API (webhooks and pre-setup exports).

Indeed, these flows are very useful to synchronize data with your own system, but you might not need to retrieve all the deletions if the information is already coming from your CRM.

For this reason, you can now filter the sources that you want to include in your export or webhook, with a distinction between sources within Actito and external ones.

RSS content API

Draft e-mail campaigns with RSS content can now be updated by API with the latest items of the RSS feed. This allow technical operators to create a campaign, refresh its content with the feed, and trigger the campaign, entirely by programmed API calls.

April 2023

Date filter in the Dashboard

Your Actito homepage, the Dashboard, displays a selection of useful KPIs for marketeers. You can now define a date filter to choose the time period analyzed in these KPIs.

In addition to the standard last 3 months, you can display the stats for the last 6, 9 or 12 months, or even choose your own time range.

This date filter will be applied to the aggregated stats of the mass e-mail and SMS campaigns sent on this DB, and to the engagement score and the evolution of the number of profiles or subscribers.


Graphical update of the 'Manage profiles' app

The interface to 'View' and 'Edit' a profile has been graphically updated to align its look and technology with other applications of Actito.

This also includes some quality of life updates, such as improving the user-friendliness of adding a subscription or a segment to a profile manually.


Retrieving the public link of a campaign report

To help sharing campaign reports with persons who might not have access to your Actito license, marketeers could already access and share a URL where this report is published.

This URL can now be retrieved by technical operators through a new API call.

March 2023

Status page subscription

Users with the 'Admin' right now have access to a new app in the 'License configuration' platform, where they can subscribe e-mail addresses to Actito's status page, which allows you to follow important notices regarding maintenances and incidents.


Addresses subscribed through this app will automatically receive notifications relevant to the environment on which your license is hosted, with the possibility to also subscribe to notifications for key Actito add-ons.

February 2023

Search bar in the side menu

The side menu is very useful to let users of the platform quickly access the main apps of Actito, such as "Manage profiles" or "Manage e-mail campaigns". But sometimes marketeers need to access some more specific apps like "Manage saved targetings" or "View e-mail reports". They do not appear in the quick menu, so you have to through the catalog.

To help you navigate through all apps, we've added a search bar to the side menu, where you can search for or scroll through all the apps available in the Actito platform. They are still grouped under main themes and therefore easily identifiable with their color schemes, but can now be found very easily (including license configuration apps, for Admin users only).

In addition, the last applications visited through the search bar are highlighted at the top, allowing you to quickly go back to them.


Shorter tracking URLs

As part of our features to help you optimize the size of your e-mails to avoid message cropping in Gmail (see December updates), we have developed a new encryption method for the tracking URLs of your links. They are now shorter (especially when the link contains many URL parameters), while keeping the same level of security as before.

This new method has now been deployed for all licenses.

Test values for HTML personalizations provided by API

In December, we added a new feature at the 'Check and test' step of scenarized e-mails triggered by API, in order to be able to test personalization values provided in the API call.

As it is possible to push a snippet of HTML into the e-mail when it is triggered by API (if the variable is set up accordingly), is now possible to also test HTML content in the 'Check and test' step, allowing the tester to copy-paste a snippet of code that will replace the personalization in the test e-mail.


January 2023

Contacting support from the interface

All Actito users now have the possibility to contact the Actito support from the "My account" side panel within your Actito license.


This opens a form where their contact information are pre-filled and in which they can add their question.

In order to able to give the quickest answer to your question, we invite you to be as precise as possible in your comment.

Your question will be directly sent to the Actito support, who will contact you back by e-mail.

The support can of course still be contact by e-mail via the address!

As a matter of fact, we advise you to send an e-mail if you need to attach screenshots to describe your problem.

Links to the status page

Above the button allowing you to 'Contact support', we have added a direct link to our status page, which allows users to follow important notices regarding maintenances and incidents.

This link is also visible on potential error pages that would be displayed in your license, allowing you to check whether a global issue has been reported. If your problem is more specific, a button to contact the support will also be displayed.

Send only one e-mail by address

If the e-mail address is not unique in your database, technical operators can now activate deduplication (to send only one e-mail to the same address in mass campaigns) directly at the creation of an e-mail campaign by API, thanks to the parameter contactOnceByEmailAddress.

If several profiles have the same e-mail address in your database, only the first e-mail will be sent. As the most active profiles are targeted first thanks to the sending optimizer, if a profile is active but their duplicate is not, the active profile will therefore be targeted and all the interactions will remain on the same profile.

December 2022

HTML size and shorter tracking URLs

It's important to mind the size of your e-mails, because if the code of the e-mail (namely the HTML content, without images) weights more than 102 KB, it will be cropped by some webmails (such as Gmail).

In December, we've released 2 features to help you respect this constraint.

E-mail size warning

At the 'Check and test' step of your e-mail campaigns definition, you are now informed of the size of each test e-mail. The color scheme helps you see directly if your e-mail risks getting cropped: green (all good), orange (just below the limit) or red (above 102 KB).


Shorter tracking URL

All the links of your e-mails follow an encrypted redirection through your link domain, to allow for click tracking. We've realized that this encryption could stretch out the length of your URLs, especially when they contain many additional parameters (UTM, Goals,...).

And longer URLs mean more HTML code, which means more risks to go over the 102 KB limit if you have many links...

For this reason, we have changed the encryption method of tracking URLs. They are now shorter (especially when the link contains many URL parameters), while keeping the same level of security as before.

Test values for personalizations provided by API

Many campaigns (especially transactional ones) are triggered through API calls, and personalization values can be provided through these API calls.

Testing these campaigns could be tricky for the marketeer, as tests would be blank without the intervention of a technical operator.

If you have "Provided by API' personalizations, a new button is displayed at the 'Check and test' step of your e-mail and SMS campaigns. It allows you to provide mock values for the personalizations that will be provided by the API call that triggers your real e-mail.


Environment names

Important notices regarding maintenances and incidents are posted on Actito's status page, which is divided between the 3 production environments. But do you know on which one your license is hosted ?

The information is now displayed on the login page (after typing your license name) and in the platform, in the 'My Account' pannel.


Optional files in ETL synchronizations

When defining a multi-file ETL synchronization, it is now possible to flag a file as 'non required', which means that the synchronization will be executed even if an optional file is missing.

This is useful if, for instance, you synchronize your profiles and your orders every day but your repository of products only when there are new references : you can set-up a multi-file ETL to synchronize all tables at once, and the synchronization will run even when the product file is not pushed.

Learn more about how to synchronize your data with Actito through ETLs.

November 2022

Robot clicks filter

Screening bots are a hurdle for analyzing campaigns stats, especially in a B2B context. Companies often have additional security measures on their corporate mailbox, such as these bots that go through every link of the received e-mails... which generate false clicks (and openings).

After a first update last year to filter clicks based on a database of screening bots signatures, we realized this was not enough as many of such robots hide their identity to pass as legitimate users.

Test - learn - iterate is the Actito way, so we've released a new filter, now based on click behavior and validated by 3 months of data analysis: when we detect a burst of clicks, or many clicks in quick succession, the interactions will be filtered. When the real profile later clicks in the e-mail, the interaction will be recorded as normal.

The new robot click filter can currently be activated on demand (by e-mail to

One shot ETL output on remote locations

One shot ETLs are used to relaunch a failed synchronization, or to do a one-time synchronization by providing a file, either on a remote location or directly in the call (in the latter case, it works exactly as a bulk API import).

When defining a one shot ETL, technical users can now choose to automatically drop the output files (such as the errors or result file) on a remote location (such as an FTPS server or the transferbox)

October 2022

Filter on event source in subscription exports

The 'subscription updates' incremental export is very useful to synchronize (un-)subscriptions that happen in Actito with your own systems. But not all sources hold the same interest in that regard: for example, subscription changes from data imports might not need to be synchronized with your CRM if that's already where the data is coming from.

For this reason, you can now filter the sources that you want to include in your export, with a distinction between sources within Actito and external ones.


Additional information in e-mail exports

Speaking of exports, you can now export the 'campaign group' and the 'campaign display name' in incremental e-mail activities exports, as well as the 'campaign group' in one shot e-mail interactions exports.

Predefined segmentation rules based on the Activation Matrix

The Activation Matrix is a useful tool to analyze the repartition of your profiles according to the monetary value, the frequency and the recency of their interactions (stored in an Interaction custom table such as "Purchases", "Orders", ...).


When an Activation Matrix is set up in a license, 4 segmentations (corresponding to the main categories: New, VIP, Passive & At risk) are now automatically created and updated.

They do not have to be maintained through segmentation rules, but are automatically updated when the matrix is re-calculated daily.

If you are interested in the Activation Matrix feature, please contact you account manager.

Transactional e-mail with attachments

Mandatory e-ticketing is a new challenge faced by French retailers starting 2023, but many other sectors and countries might be interested to dematerialize their tickets, bills or reports.

To this purpose, Actito has added the possibility to send attachments when triggering transactional e-mails by API calls.

This allows to send up to 10 attachments, with support for various extensions (csv, doc, docx, gif, html, jpeg, jpg, pdf, png, xls and xlsx), through a dedicated API route (separate from the usual call to trigger transactional e-mails without attachments).

Filter on event source in subscription exports and webhooks

Like for exports defined in the User Interface (see above), technical users can now filter the (un-)subscription sources that they want to include when they pre set up an export by API or when they define a subscription update webhook.

Defining pre-headers by API

An API call to set up a preheader in an e-mail draft has been added to the Actito public API, so that the same parameters as in the User Interface can be defined by API.