Setting up Engage in Qualifio
Once the form has been configured on Actito's side to store the participations, the integration can be configured in the Qualifio platform.
You can complete this step in autonomy by following the walkthrough below. If you want the help of Actito teams to set-up the integration, do not hesitate to contact your account manager.
Logging into Qualifio
Log into your Qualifio account through the login page, or follow the Single Sign-On (SSO) to directly switch from Actito to Qualifio (Forms & pages > Engage campaigns).
Provided that you have a matching user account on both Actito and Qualifio, and that SSO has been activated in your license, the 'Engage campaigns' app will allow you to jump securely into your Qualifio account, without requiring additional login.
If you want to activate SSO in your license, please contact your account manager.
Engage integration walkthrough
We will now guide you through the different steps that must be configured in the Qualifio platform.
Already familiar with Qualifio? Nice! You can probably follow the great guide from the Qualifio documentation. On the other hand, the walkthrough below is rather aimed at users who are discovering the Qualifio platform at the same time.
Step 1 - Activate the integration
In your Qualifio account, go to 'Integrations' in the left-hand menu, under the 'Engage' tab.
Select 'Integrations' in the Integrations section.
Search for Actito and toggle it to enable the integration.
Step 2 - Configure the integration
After activating Actito as partner, click on 'Configure' to do the setup.
- Give a Name to the integration (Ex. : Actito – your license name)
- Choose if you want to push incomplete participations (profiles who did not complete the campaign to the end)
Next, fill in the credentials and technical parameters needed to set up the connection.
- API key: enter the API key that you have created previously
- Endpoint upsert interaction: when you retrieve your API key, you can see your API domain and the environment on which your license is hosted. It will allow you to complete the 'Endpoint upsert interaction' (and 'Endpoint get token')
- ENV-0 :{entity}/form/{form}/interaction
- ENV-1 :{entity}/form/{form}/interaction
- ENV-3 :{entity}/form/{form}/interaction
- Endpoint get token:
- ENV-0 :
- ENV-1 :
- ENV-3 :
- Entity name: the name of the entity in which the form that you created in Actito is stored.
- Form name: the technical name of the form that you created in Actito. By default, it should be “engageCampaigns”.
Click on 'Save' to finish the connection.
Step 3 - Create mapping variables
Once Qualifio is connected to your Actito form, you should parameter the fields that will be pushed in it.
- Standard participation attributes are already set up automatically
- Standard participant attributes are already set up automatically
- Optin variables must be configured
Step 3.a Creating optin variables
Go back to the 'Engage' menu and select 'Mapping variables' in the Integrations section.
For each subscription that need to be synchronized with the Actito database, create a mapping variable.
- Display label: for clarity, it should match the name of the Actito subscription
- Technical name: it must “optin_subscriptionName”. For instance, for a subscription named 'newsletter', it should be 'optin_newsletter'
Spaces are not allowed in Qualifio technical names. If the subscription in Actito contain spaces, replace it with an underscore (Ex. : “Product news” => “optin_Product_news”) Then, contact your account manager or support so they customize the output pushed to Actito to replace the underscore by a space. This is important to allow data enrichment.
- Variable type: select “Opt-in”
- Enabled in: toggle both Forms and Opt-ins so that it's available at all steps of your campaign.
More info about mapping variables
Step 3.b Creating an optin
After creating the variable, you also need to create the opt-in itself ! (one for each subscription pushed to Actito)
From the Engage tab, go to 'Opt-ins' under the Content section.
Select “Opt-ins”, then “Create an opt-in”.
You can now customize the opt-in itself, as it will appear in Qualifio campaigns.
You can add a description, a logo, etc. This is all part of the look and feel of the campaign. More information about opt-ins.
The part relevant to the integration however, is the 'Mapping variable' setting : from the dropdown, select the previously created variable and match it with the proper opt-in.
Step 4 – Create a push rule
After completing the integration, the push rule is what triggers the integration and pushes the data to Actito.
Go back to the 'Integration' section and select 'Push rules'.
You have 2 options:
- Set up a push rule for all campaigns (including anonymous or not): from the dropdown, select the name of your integration, that you defined at Step 1.
All campaigns will be pushed to Actito (this is the recommended option).
- Or you can configure the push rule at website, master form or campaign level. In this case, only a subset of your Qualifio assets will trigger the data pushes to Actito.
This requires more maintenance as for example, configuring the rule at campaign level would force you to add a new push rule parameter for each new campaign created in Qualifio.
Step 5 - Using the integration in a campaign
The set-up being complete, the data from your Qualifio campaigns can now be synchronized with Actito.
At the 'Forms' step of the creation of a Qualifio campaign:
- All 'Identification' questions can be selected and are automatically synchronized with the 'Standard participant parameters' of your Actito form.
- You can add one or more optins to the form, to feed the subscriptions of the Actito DB.
The mapping variable that makes the link between the Qualifio optin and the Actito subscription is made at step 4, and can't be configured directly in the Form.