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Understanding Engage

Understanding the scope of Engage

Actito Engage implies combining Qualifio campaigns with Actito's marketing activation solution.

It means that Engage users have access to the full power of Qualifio and Actito features, and that these features are connected through a dedicated integration.

Once an Engage campaign has been published, here is what the integration does:

  • Real time synchronization of participations to Engage campaigns when the profile submits the form
  • Synchronization of the data collected from Engage campaigns toward a dedicated Actito form

This dedicated form serves as buffer to store all participations and data collected through Engage campaigns. In turn, this dedicated form gives the possibility to use all the strength of Actito to activate these data:

  • Data enrichment toward the profile table
  • Triggering a scenario after each participation
  • Personalization of all Actito channels based on data collected
  • Targeting and Segmentation based on data collected
  • Automatic participation exports of data collected with Engage to update your central CRM

Engage Architecture

Understanding the data collected from Engage campaigns

The Engage integration offers the possibility to collect 5 types of data.

Standard participation attributes

These technical parameters are always synchronized after each participation.

Qualifio attributesDefinition
Campaign nameName of campaign defined in the Qualifio portal
Campaign Type IdTechnical Id of the type of campaign defined in the Qualifio portal
Date of the participationDate of the participation
Campaign's languageMother language used for the participation
Participant device nameName of device used for the participation
User AgentUser agent used for the participation
Update sourceConstant value "Qualifio"

Standard participant attributes

These socio-demographical data are related to the identity of the participant. They are synchronized by default from Qualifio (if the question is present in the form).

Qualifio attributesDefinition
First nameFirst name of the participant
Last nameLast name of the participant
EmailEmail of the participant
AddressAddress street of the participant
NumberNumber of the address of the participant
BoxBox number of the address of the participant
ZipPostal code of the participant
LocalityLocality of the participant
CountryCountry of the participant
BirthdayDate of birth of the participant
GenderGender of the participant (values: M/F)
FunctionProfession of the participant
PhonePhone number of the participant
CompanyCompany name of the participant

Subscriptions of the participant

Several opt-ins can be defined in Qualifio to collect the preferences of the participants.

They can be synchronized with the Subscriptions present in your Actito database.

These attributes represent data collected to justify the Subscription of a profile. They are visible in the subscription interaction.

Qualifio attributesDefinition
SourceConstant value “Qualifio”
Campaign IdQualifio campaign Id of related to the participation
Participation datetimeDate & time of the participation

Custom form fields and questions

In addition to the standard data synchronized by default by the integration, it possible to synchronize extra custom fields. For example: a client number, the favorite shop or product, the hobbies of the participant... All the data that corresponds to an answer in your Qualifio campaign and that you want to synchronize with Actito!

To be able to push the data into the Actito form, it is mandatory to use the right format for the data collected.

Type of data accepted:

  • Text
  • Integer
  • Date
  • Boolean