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Distributed Marketing

If you want to make Distributed Marketing, or harmonize the marketing actions implemented in your network. It is possible! With Actito, you can communicate with your customers in a differentiated and local way, while maintaining control of your overall marketing strategy.


If you do not have a very extensive network (around ten local entities) and you wish to use distributed marketing with operators who are fairly seasoned in marketing. However, you would like to ensure a framework for data sharing (accessible within a central database) and rights to publish and/or send campaigns, we invite you to take a look at the use of Business Units.

The Distributed Marketing module of Actito grants you access to a new interface, called DMA (Distributed marketing Application).

Thanks to this dedicated Distributed Marketing Application, you can delegate the sending of campaigns to local operators (managers of a sales outlet, club, workshop, etc.), who know their customers very well, since they interact directly with them. These campaigns are prepared by your central teams, who will have determined the brand identity aspects, the fixed or customizable content components and the targets to be addressed.

By this way of working, the optional Distributed Marketing module minimizes errors in content and targeting when sending your campaigns (especially when your local teams have an extensive network, with local marketing teams having little time to spare and little experience in campaign preparation).

The set up of the optional Distributed Marketing Module (DMA) requires basic configuration conducted by Actito teams.


If you are interested in implementing the DMA module in your license, please contact your account manager.

Once the setup of your license is done, you will be able to create and manage DMA users and to prepare your campaigns design.