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AIO Chatbot

Finding the right information quickly can sometimes be tedious, when you have to browse several articles of documentation. As a result, Actito has developed AIO chatbot.

This chatbot, based on artificial intelligence, gives you precise, structured and detailed answers to the questions you ask yourself. To do so, AIO browses all Actito documentation for you.

Whether you are looking for answers to questions about your day-to-day use of the interface, or for specific information. AIO brings you clear solutions in the blink of an eye.

Allowing you to gain in time and efficiency, having the answers to your questions at your fingertips. This way, you can make the most of your Actito interface. So you can concentrate fully on your marketing tasks.


The AIO chat is a chatbot powered by artificial intelligence, so it is sometimes possible that the answer you get from AIO does not answer your initial question. If you need help, or if something does not seem right, please do not hesitate to contact our Support team.

Using Actito Chatbot

You can reach out for Actito chatbot at any time, by clicking on the AIO icon at the top right of your screen.


A side panel will then open.

To start chatting with AIO, simply click on the 'Accept and Start' button.

Accept and Start

The, you will be able to write your question to AIO in the 'Message' box and send it off.



You can ask your question in any language and change language at any time during the discussion. AIO will adapt and reply in the language used to ask the question.

Once your question has been submitted. AIO will go through the Actito platform and the Developers portal documentation to provide a detailed and structured answer.

AIO Answers


AIO answer might not be instantaneous. It may therefore take a few moments before you receive your answer.

If you want, you can easily consult the articles related to your question, by clicking on the link to the article(s) from which the information comes.

You can access this link by scrolling down the Sources.


You can also let AIO know whether or not the answer provided was helpful by clicking the thumbs-up or thumbs-down button, depending on your satisfaction.

Thumbs-up or -down

At last, you can also ask other questions related to your first question.

To do so, you can either click on one of the questions suggested by AIO. Or write your own question in the 'Message' field.


If you wish to clear the chat history and start again from an empty chat, click on the refresh icon at the top of the chat bar

Clear chat

A popup window will then open, giving you the opportunity to evaluate your exchange with AIO and make any comments you may have.


This information is essential to enable us to continually improve AIO. Every piece of feedback and every comment will help us identify areas for improvement, so that we can better understand your needs and provide you with ever more precise answers.


If you have not found an answer to your question via our AIO chat, do not hesitate to turn to Actito support.
Be sure to mention to our support team that you have been through AIO before turning to them.