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Actito's aim is to offer you a wide range of connectivity options. Consequently, we particularly want to enable the exchange of data between Actito and other systems related to your activity.

The public APIs at your disposal therefore allow you to directly interact with Actito without having to go through the interface. With the help of web services, you will be able to call data stored in Actito to retrieve. You will also be able to send data from your system towards Actito.

The Actito web services are more than a mere data exchange tool, as they enable you to activate the use of these data, but also to automatize their processing.

Indeed, the API is made of a number of routes, grouped into categories that match all the different channels and features of Actito. About everything that can be achieved in the Actito interface can be automatized through our public API.

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Access to Public APIs

Actito makes access to Webservices in 4 environments: a PREPROD environment and the 3 PROD environments.

The technical documentation about these environments is online and regularly updated.


The Webservices and Webhook sections of this documentation aim at giving you a business perpective of what's possible through the Actito API.

For implementation details, developers should always refer to the API specs in the Developers Portal (above link).

Webservice account creation and authentication

The use of APIs requires authentication through an API user, different from the accounts used to access the platform.

The Actito API uses an API key-based authentication.

API keys

The license's Admin users can manage the API keys themselves (cf. Manage API users).


When creating an API user, it is important to provide the e-mail address of a person responsible for maintaining your API. Indeed, this address will be used to notify you of any impacting changes.

When setting up API calls, the API key is not directly used as an ID.

It is used to generate an access token with a limited duration (15 minutes) that must be included in all the calls.

For example, to generate a token in the TEST environment, the call would be


with the API key in the "Authorization" header.

GET Token

-X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: qhdfbvdh747R49FRHrthqXXXXXXXXX' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

You will then get your token ("accesToken" in the response).

Reponse GET Token

"tokenType": "bearer",
"expiresIn": "900s",
"scope": "read write",
"jti": "ce6c1d3c-ab49-4b62-8f4c-964351ac5d58"

The token is used for authenticating every call during the following 15 minutes. It must be passed as a Bearer authorization in every call.

Exemple Bearer Token

-X GET '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Public API versions

In Actito we are constantly working to improve our products and expand our integration platform.

All the latest developed routes can be recognized by the /v5/ in their path. The philosophy of the V5 is to stick closely to standard REST API usages and to improve the consistency of their behavior between resources.

It is not planned to entirely phase out the V4 or replace it altogether with V5 routes. However, changes to single V4 routes can happen and will be announced through the process documented here.

Actito Concepts available via Webservices

Each operation is grouped under a concept, which matches the Actito resource category to which the operation will be applied.

Each of these concepts may use one or more methods, according to its nature and to possible related operations.

To get to know the various concepts with which you can interact through the Actito APIs, we invite you to read the chapter dedicated to the 'Concepts Available via Webservices'.