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Using webservices

Actito enables you to interact with its data through the means of a REST API, which lets you carry out various creation, update and deletion operations.

This page will provide information about the way this API works, and its requirements.

Methods used in webservices

The operations available through Actito webservices are grouped into 5 methods with their own functions: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH and DELETE

GET method

This method retrieves a representation of the requested resource. It is a read-only method, which means that applying it to a resource will not result in changing the state of the resource. It is therefore a safe method.

Its main purpose is to retrieve information from Actito, either to process them with your other systems (profiles, existing campaigns,...) or to obtain structural information in order to facilitate the definition of other methods (obtaining the structure of a database,...)

POST method

This method can create a resource in a collection of resources, by using the data input in the body of the request.

It is mainly used for the creation of new elements, but it can also be used in the case of updates, especially in operations that allow create/updates at the same time (update a resource if existing already, create it if not).

PUT method

This method can replace the representation of a resource by using the data input in the body of the request, or to create a new one if it does not exist yet.

It is mainly used for updating elements, but its behavior implies that it can also sometimes be used to activate resources, by updating their status.

PATCH method

This method is used for making partial changes to an existing resource. Unlike the PUT method that will replace the resource as a whole, PATCH routes are useful to only update specific parameters of a resource, while leaving other parameters unaffected.

DELETE method

This method deletes every representation of a resource.

It might consist in deleting a precise element (unsubscribing a profile from a subscription) or a broader element (deleting a profile or an 'in definition' e-mail).

Format of webservices

The Actito APIs accept the JSON format. All response bodies, and bodies for calls made with the POST, PUT and PATCH methods should use this format, unless specifically specified.

If you are not very familiar with this format, it is possible to validate your code with the help of the following website :

Optimal use of webservices

In order to guarantee an optimal use of webservices, some usage frontiers have been defined :

  • Maximum amount of webservice users per licence: 5
  • Maximum amount of calls per minute: 100
  • maximum amount of bulk calls per day: 12
  • Maximum amount of concurrent requests per licence: 5
  • Maximum size of the zip file in a bulk call: 100 MB

Exceeding these thresholds will lead to an error or a performance slowdown.