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Prefilling Engage Campaigns

While Engage campaigns are an excellent way to collect data that will be synchronized and activated in Actito, they are also an excellent opportunity to qualify existing profiles from your database.

Indeed, Actito can be used to share these campaigns through its different channels, with links in e-mail and SMS campaigns, or in Push notifications.

Know the difference
  • In Qualifio, a campaign is a questionnaire that profiles will fill in. It includes a part where they input their personal data, but can also include a more interactive part, like a quiz or a contest. It is close to the Actito notion of form.
  • In Actito, a campaign is a way to contact existing profile through a communication channel like e-mail, SMS messages, print or Push notifications.

Thank to the Engage integration, you are able to create links to your Qualifio campaigns directly in the personalization picker of your Actito campaigns (e-mail, SMS, Push,...). Moreover, you are able to prefill the answers to the questions of the form with the attribute values stored in your database.


Prefilling an question is especially useful if the key of your database is something that the profile typically doesn't know by heart, such as a customer number.
By pushing it in the Qualifio campaign, you will be able to easily synchronize the data back into Actito to update the profile with potential new info provided in the form.


Accessing your Qualifio campaign from the Actito personalization picker requires a specific configuration (separate from the Engage form synchronization).

It is a simple operation but it must be carried out in the back-office by the Actito team. Please contact your account manager if you think an integration is missing from your license.


One integration is required for each Qualifio 'website', which is a concept similar to entities to manage several brands.

When the integration is completed in your license, you can now insert links toward your Qualifio campaigns in your Actito e-mails, SMS messages and push notifications.

These links are inserted through a personalization (like an Actito form would be). In the link editor, simply create a new personalization instead of an URL. For instance: ${qualifioCampaign}.

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Now open the personalization picker and select the new option 'Partner link'. Next, select your integration, which represents a Qualifio 'website'.

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Selecting an Engage campaign

After selecting your integration, you can now select an Engage campaign. By default, all campaigns published in the associated Qualifio website are available in the dropdown list. Thanks to the filters, you can trim the selection to help you find the proper campaign.

Defining a filter

There are 4 filters available:

  • Campaign type: allows you to only display Anonymous or Identified campaigns.
    • In Anonymous campaigns, participants will not need to input their personal information at the end, making prefilling not relevant.
    • Identified campaigns, on the other end, benefit greatly from prefilling as they require participants to complete a step with their personal details.
  • Campaign status: allows you to only display Active or Scheduled campaigns.
    • Active campaigns have already reached their 'Start' date, while their 'End' date is still to come. They are identified by a green bullet in Qualifio.
    • Scheduled campaigns have a 'Start' date in the future, meaning that they will become active at a set date. They are identified by an orange bullet in Qualifio.
    • Inactive campaigns whose 'End' date is already in the past (identified by a red bullet in Qualifio) cannot be selected, as they are no longer active.

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Only 'published' campaigns (meaning they are toggled ON) can be selected.

  • Channel type: There are 3 possible publication channels in Qualifio: Mini-site, Iframe and Mobile (learn more here).

    Each can be activated separately for each campaign and use a different URL. Indeed, the link will be different if you push your campaign on a landing page (minisite) or if it is embedded in a page of your main website (iframe).

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  • Language: allows you to select a language from the dropdown and only display campaigns defined in that language in Qualifio.

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After applying your filters, or directly if you don't need them, you can select your Engage campaign in the dropdown.

When you choose the campaign, you have a separate entry for each publication channel (depending on the selected channel types). It can easily be identified thanks to the icons next to it.

Prefilling questions

After selecting your campaign, all Forms questions appear as personalization variables.


There are 2 parts in an Engage campaign:

  • The Questionnaire is the interactive part, where participants answer a quiz, sport predictions, a puzzle,...
  • The Form is the data collection part, where participants enter their personal details
    Only the Form can be pre-filled with existing data.

Only questions linked to a 'variable' in Qualifio can be prefilled (CRM or mapping variables). All Identification-typed questions are automatically linked to a CRM variable.

Variable are used to push the data collected by Engage campaigns into Actito. Learn more here.

If a question is not linked to a variable, the Actito personalization picker will display the label of the question, but it can't be prefilled

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You can map each question to a personalization based on the following sources:

  • Profiles tables attributes (including Gender test)
  • Technical values
  • Constants
  • Custom table entries

Just like standard personalizations, a question will be mapped automatically to an attribute of your profile table if they share the same technical name (variable name on Qualifio side).
In addition, an auto-mapping will also be suggested if they share the same data type (e-mail, language, country,...) even if the technical name is not the same.

Check the auto-mapping and select the correct data source used to prefill the un-mapped questions with existing information.

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You do not need to pre-fill every question: you might not even have the information in your database.
In such case, leave the dropdown empty: it is not required to map all variables. Alt text The values are saved automatically. You can simply close the picker.

Now, the personalization behind your link will be replaced by a unique address for each profile, that will push the personalized values to prefill the questions of the form.


The unique URL is fully encrypted behind a one-use token, allowing you to prefill any kind of data without security risks for your profiles.


In SMS campaigns, this unique URL is automatically a short link.

In turn, participations to the campaign can be synchronized into Actito thanks to the Engage connector, allowing to update and qualify your profile by collecting additional data that might not be stored yet in your profile table.

Choosing the behavior of prefilled fields

In Qualifio, you can choose how the question will be displayed if it is prefilled:

  • Show: the question will be displayed and the prefilled answer will be editable.
  • Lock (read-only): the question will be displayed and the prefilled answer will NOT be editable.
  • Hide: the question and its prefilled answer won't be displayed at all (like a technical question in an Actito form).

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If the key of your DB is not the e-mail address but rather a client ID, you probably don't want to ask participants to fill it out. They might not know it, or might not want to look it up before participating.
However, the key of your DB is required to carry out database enrichment and link the participation to a profile.

In such a case, it is very useful to include a hidden question about the customer ID in your Qualifio campaign and to prefill it with the data from your DB when you share it through a link in an e-mail, for instance.
This will allow you to link the data to a profile when it it pushed back into Actito.

Here we are! The form questions of your Engage campaign are prefilled according to your settings when you share them through Actito communication channels.

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