Modifying a Custom Table
To modify a 'Custom Table' go to the 'Manage table structure' (Catalog > Data model > Manage table structure)
Select the table that you want to modify, then select 'Update'.
This action will open a modal window.
You will be invited to download a definition file. It must be in the JSON format.
The following 'Custom Table' modifications are possible:
- Adding an attribute (field)
- Deleting an attribute
- Adding a foreign key
- Removing a foreign key
- Making an attribute mandatory
- Adding an index to an attribute
- Adding accepted values to an attribute
- Updating the creationTimeAttribute
- Updating the valueAttribute
- Updating the bigTable parameter
- Updating the eventsToTrigger
- Updating the cleaningRules
- Updating the displayOptions
The JSON update file follows the exact structure as API calls.
You can follow the use case from the Developers Portal for examples of each operation.
Deleting a table
You can delete both an empty or an already populated existing table.
Please proceed with caution: deleting a table can have a negative impact if the deleted table was used in scenarios, in campaign personalizations, in saved targetings, in segmentations,...
Unlike the above processes, deleting a table does not require uploading a JSON file. A dedicated 'Delete the table' option is available through the 'More' menu.
A warning modal will require you to confirm the table deletion. Indeed, all the data stored in the table will be lost, without any option to restore it!
If you delete an Interaction table linked to an aggregate table, the aggregate table will be deleted as well, as it cannot exist without a source.