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Using a JSON Template


Actito gives access to JSON files templates which allow you to directly create frequently used Custom Tables.

These templates can be used to directly create tables with their predefined attributes.

To create a table based on a template, click on 'Create a table' in the 'Manage table structure' app. Choose your template and click on Next.

Create a table

Define the parameters of your table:

  • Choose the name of the table (by default, it takes the name of the template) and the entity on which it is stored.
  • For templates of Linked Data and Interaction tables, you must link your custom table to a Profile Database.
    • After selecting your DB, you can choose the Profile key. It is the link between your new custom table and the profile DB.
    • By default, it is the technical profileId, but you can choose any key attribute of your profile DB.

Click on 'Create' to finalize your table.


The templates can also be used as examples, to be modified to meet needs specific to your activity.

For any file modification, find the relevant JSON file below and add, remove or update fields according yo your own use case. Make sure to respect the constraints explained on 'Structuring your JSON Definition File'.


You can download the JSON file of any existing table by clicking on the 'More' button, then 'Download table definition'.

However, some technical fields are automatically created by Actito, such as the id, the creation or update moments. These fields cannot be included when you upload a new file.

For this reason, it is easier to use the files provided below rather than download the definition of an existing table.

Templates for Interaction Custom Tables

The Interaction type of table enables you to store one-off data that are recorded when a profile interacts with your activity.

'Event' table

You can create an 'Event' table, to store information related to the participation of a profile to an event. Depending on your activity, the notion of event can fit several definitions:

  • A concert
  • A charity dinner
  • A conference
  • A fair
  • A trip
  • ...

Slight adaptations of the definition file allow you to match your own business definition of an event.

In Actito, you can use this information to:

  • You can refer to the event data in the customization of an e-mail, for example to confirm a registration, give the address and the time of the event,...
  • You can condition an e-mail depending on whether a profile effectively took part in the event
  • Thanks to the "eventsToTrigger" definition, an event will be registered in Actito for each line creation, which allows to trigger a scenario as soon as a profile registers to an event, or a few days after the event took place,...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Event' template:

  • The start and end moment of the event
  • The registration date to the event
  • The location of the event
  • The name of the event
  • The registration code
  • The participation status
  • The type of ticket
  • The ticket price
  • The event id
  • The id of the profile taking part in the event, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Event' table: Event_EN.json

'Simple order' table

You can create an 'Order' table, to store information related to orders made by your profiles. Depending on your activity, the notion of order can fit several definitions:

  • A purchase
  • An order (Goods, Catalogue, Tickets, etc.)
  • ...

Slight adaptations of the definition file allow you to match your own business definition of an order.


The template is labelled "simple" orders because it stores all the product references at once, without details for each item.

More complex models are possible, by linking an 'Order' and an 'Order lines' table.

For these richer models, see the Multi-table templates or discuss a tailor-made data model with your Actito contact person.

In Actito, you can use this information to:

  • You can refer to the order data in the customization of an e-mail, for example to confirm a purchase, giving the details of the order.
  • You can condition an e-mail depending on the orders a profile made.
  • Thanks to the "eventsToTrigger" definition, an event will be registered in Actito for each line creation, which allows to trigger a scenario as soon as a profile confirms an order, or a few days after the order took place,...
  • You can create segmentations based on orders data such as in/active customers or amount spent.
  • You can target profiles based on orders data. Ex: target profiles depending on their order date or amount spent.

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Order' template:

  • The order id
  • The order date
  • Products reference (SKU)
  • Products quantity
  • Products price
  • The total amount of the order
  • The total amount related to articles
  • The total amount not related to articles (ex: shipping)
  • The total number of products in the order
  • The total number of unique products in the order
  • The reference of the order
  • The payment method
  • The voucher code
  • The currency
  • The shipping type
  • The order shipping status
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The loyalty points for the order
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

_Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Simpler order' table: simpleOrdersEN.json

Templates for Linked Data Custom Tables

The 'Linked Data' type of table is related to a profile and enables you to store general data that remain relevant over time.

'Children' table

You can create a 'Children' table, to store information related to the children of every profile in your database.

In Actito, there are various uses to this information:

  • Use the first name of a child in a customization.
  • Condition an e-mail according to the age of the children of the targeted profile
  • Condition an e-mail according to whether the targeted profile has a girl or a boy
  • Trigger a scenario for a child birthday
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Children' template:

  • the name and first name of the child
  • the gender of the child
  • the birth date of the child
  • the child ID
  • the parent ID, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Children' table: Children_EN.json

'Loyalty' table

You can create a 'Loyalty' table, to store information related to the loyalty card of your profiles.

In Actito, there are various uses to this information:

  • Mention the number of reward points with a customization in an e-mail.
  • Segment your Profiles data base depending on their loyalty status.
  • Target profiles when the end date of their loyalty card is coming.
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Loyalty' template:

  • The loyalty card id
  • The loyalty card type
  • The creation date of the loyalty account
  • The end date of the loyalty account
  • The renewal date of the loyalty account
  • The balance points
  • The number of reward points to achieve the next status
  • The profile id of the loyalty card owner, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Loyalty' table: Loyalty_EN.json

'Sponsorship' table

You can create a 'Sponsorship' table, to store information related to new contacts that you acquired because they were sponsored by an existing profile.

In Actito, there are various uses to this information:

  • Refer to the name of the sponsored person (new contact) with a customization in an e-mail sent to the sponsor
  • Target profiles who generated a high number of new contacts in order to reward them (with the help of the 'Number of' criterion in the targeting module)
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Sponsorship' template:

  • The family name and first name of the sponsored person
  • The referral date
  • The relationship between the sponsor and the new contact
  • The conversation date, which is the activation moment of the sponsored person
  • The id of the sponsorship
  • The id of the sponsor, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Sponsorship' table: Sponsorship_EN.json

'Voucher' table

You can create a 'Voucher' table, to store information related to the vouchers of your profiles.

In Actito, there are various uses to this information:

  • Customize your emails with the vouchers of your profile
  • Target profiles depending on the end date of their vouchers
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Voucher' template:

  • The voucher id
  • The validity start date
  • The validity end date
  • The voucher status (burned or not)
  • Comment
  • The user id of the voucher owner, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Voucher' table: voucherEN.json

Templates for Repository Custom Tables

The Repository type of table contains reference data common to all the profiles or part of them.

It is therefore not directly linked to a profile table, but it can be referenced by a profile table or another custom table.

'Company' table

You can create a 'Company' table, to store information related to a list of companies. As the concept of company is very broad, the use of this template can be easily adapted to suit your own specific activity, with slight modifications if needed. The company could refer to any of the following possibilities:

  • A shop: it can be linked both to a profile table (for example, favorite shop of a profile) and to a custom table (for example, shop where a purchase was made)
  • A subsidiary: lets you associate each profile with the subsidiary in charge of his area
  • The company to which a B2B contact belongs
  • A hospital: for example, specify the closest hospital to the address of each profile

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Company' template:

  • The name of the company
  • The address of the company ('street', 'number', 'post code', 'location' and 'country' attributes)
  • The VAT number
  • The company ID

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Company' table: Company_EN.json

'Product catalog' table

You can create a 'Product' table, to store information related to a list of product. As the concept of product is very broad, the use of this template can be easily adapted to suit your own specific activity, with slight modifications if needed.

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Product' template:

  • The product SKU
  • The product label (category)
  • The description of the product
  • The url of the product
  • The brand
  • The image url
  • The price
  • The currency
  • The product availability
  • The product category
  • The product sub-category
  • The product version (color, size, gender)

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Product catalog' table: productCatalogEN.json

'Stores' table

You can create a 'Store' table, to store information related to your shops.

This is a more specialized version of the 'Company' template.

A store can be linked both to a profile table (for example, favorite shop of a profile) and to a custom table (for example, shop where a purchase was made)

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Store' template:

  • The Id of the store
  • The name of the store
  • The store status
  • The address of the store ('street', 'number', 'post code', 'location' and 'country' attributes)
  • The contacts data of the store ('email address', 'phone number')
  • The contact person of the store

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Stores' table: storesEN.json

'Subscription catalog' table

You can create a 'Subscription catalogue' table, to store information related to a list of subscriptions from your catalogue. As the concept of subscription is quiet broad depending on the industry: media, sport, services,.. the use of this template can be easily adapted to suit your own specific activity, with slight modifications if needed.

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Subscription Catalogue' template:

  • The reference of the subscription
  • The label of the subscription
  • The description of the subscription
  • The url of the subscription
  • The image url
  • The brand
  • The price
  • The currency
  • The subscription type and category
  • The availability
  • The periodicity
  • The subscription ID

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Subscription catalog' table: subscriptionCatalogEN.json

Multi-Table templates

Multi-table templates allow you to extend your data model by building a whole model with multiple table types (interaction, linked data and repository tables).

Those data can be used to target and segment profiles, to personalize your communications or to start a scenario.

e-Retail Model

This model is based on several tables:

Orders and Orders lines:

Those are Interaction type of tables, which enables you to store information related to orders and its lines made by your profiles.

Depending on your activity, the notion of order can fit several definitions:

  • A purchase
  • An order (Goods, Catalogue, Tickets, etc.)
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Orders' template:

  • The order id
  • The order date
  • The total amount of the order
  • The total amount related to articles
  • The total amount not related to articles (ex: shipping)
  • The total number of products in the order
  • The total number of unique products in the order
  • The payment method
  • The voucher code
  • The currency
  • The shipping type
  • The order shipping status
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Orders' table: orders.json

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Orders lines' template:

  • The order id
  • The order line id
  • The order date
  • Products quantity
  • Products reference (SKU)
  • The total amount of the order
  • The unit price of the products
  • The currency
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Orders lines' table: ordersLines.json

Abandoned cart and Abandoned cart lines:

Those are Interaction type of tables, which enables you to store information related to unfinished orders and its lines.

Depending on your activity, the notion of abandoned cart can fit with several unfinished actions definitions:

  • A purchase
  • A subscription to a newspaper
  • An information request
  • A registration to an event
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Abandonned cart' template:

  • The abandoned cart id
  • The abandoned cart date
  • The total amount of the order
  • The total amount not related to articles (ex: shipping)
  • The total amount related to articles The total number of products in the order
  • The total number of unique products in the order
  • The total number of products in the order
  • The currency
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Abandonned cart' table: abandonedCart.json

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Abandonned cart lines' template:

  • The abandoned cart id
  • The abandoned cart line id
  • The abandoned cart date
  • Products quantity
  • Products reference (SKU)
  • The total amount of the order
  • The unit price of the products
  • The currency
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Abandonned cart lines' table: abandonedCartLines.json


This is a Repository type of table, which contains reference data related to your shops.

A store: it can be linked both to a profile table (for example, favorite shop of a profile) and to a custom table (for example, shop where a purchase was made)

  • The following attributes are predefined for the 'Stores' template:
  • The Id of the store
  • The name of the store
  • The store status, mode and type
  • The address of the store ('street', 'number', 'post code', 'city', 'country' and 'additional information' attributes)
  • The contacts data ('email address', 'phone number' attributes)
  • The contact person of the store ('lastname' and 'firstname' attributes)

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Stores' table: stores.json

Product catalog

This is a Repository type of table, which contains reference data related to a list of products. As the concept of product is very broad, the use of this template can be easily adapted to suit your own specific activity, with slight modifications if needed.

Slight adaptations of the definition file allow you to match your own business definition of an order.

In Actito, you can use all those information to:

  • refer to the order data in the customization of an e-mail, for example to confirm a purchase, giving the details of the order.
  • condition an e-mail depending on the orders a profile made.
  • Thanks to the "eventsToTrigger" definition, an event will be registered in Actito for each line creation, which allows to trigger a scenario as soon as a profile confirms an order, or a few days after the order took place,...
  • create segmentations based on orders data such as in/active customers or amount spent.
  • target profiles based on orders data. Ex: target profiles depending on their order date or amount spent.

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Product catalogue' template:

  • The product SKU
  • The product name
  • The description of the product
  • The url of the product
  • The brand
  • The image url
  • The price
  • The currency
  • The product category
  • The product sub-category
  • The product version (color, size)

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Product catalog' table: productCatalog.json

Retail Model

This model is based on several interconnected tables:

Orders and Orders lines:

Those are Interaction type of tables, which enables you to store information related to orders and its lines made by your profiles.

Depending on your activity, the notion of order can fit several definitions:

  • A purchase
  • An order (Goods, Catalogue, Tickets, etc.)
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Orders' template:

  • The order id
  • The order date
  • The total amount of the order
  • The total amount related to articles
  • The total amount not related to articles (ex: shipping)
  • The total number of products in the order
  • The total number of unique products in the order
  • The payment method
  • The voucher code
  • The currency
  • The shipping type
  • The order shipping status
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Orders' table: orders.json

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Orders lines' template:

  • The order id
  • The order line id
  • The order date
  • Products quantity
  • Products reference (SKU)
  • Product name
  • The total amount of the order
  • The unit price of the products
  • The currency
  • The store id where the order was done
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for an 'Orders lines' table: ordersLines.json


This is a Repository type of table, which contains reference data related to your shops.

A store: it can be linked both to a profile table (for example, favorite shop of a profile) and to a custom table (for example, shop where a purchase was made)

Slight adaptations of the definition file allow you to match your own business definition of an order.

In Actito, you can use all those information to:

  • refer to the order data in the customization of an e-mail, for example to confirm a purchase, giving the details of the order.
  • condition an e-mail depending on the orders a profile made.
  • Thanks to the "eventsToTrigger" definition, an event will be registered in Actito for each line creation, which allows to trigger a scenario as soon as a profile confirms an order, or a few days after the order took place,...
  • create segmentations based on orders data such as in/active customers or amount spent.
  • target profiles based on orders data. Ex: target profiles depending on their order date or amount spent.

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Stores' template:

  • The Id of the store
  • The name of the store
  • The store status, mode and type
  • The address of the store ('street', 'number', 'post code', 'city', 'country' and 'additional information' attributes)
  • The contacts data of the store ('email address', 'phone number' attributes)
  • The contact person of the store ('lastname' and 'firstname' attributes).

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Stores' table: stores.json

Subscription order Model

The model is composed of an Interaction type of table, which enables you to store one-off data that are recorded when a profile interacts with your activity and a Repository type of table, which contains reference data common to all the profiles or part of them.

Subscription catalog

The Interaction template will enable you to store information related to the subscriptions bought by your profile.

Depending on your activity, the notion of subscription can fit with several definitions:

  • A subscription to a newspaper / magazine
  • A subscription to a service
  • A subscription to a platform
  • ...

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Subscription catalogue' template:

  • The subscription name
  • The description of the subscription
  • The url of the subscription
  • The brand
  • The image url
  • The price
  • The currency
  • The subscription category
  • The periodicity
  • The subscription reference
  • The Id of the subscription
  • The availability
  • The subscription type

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Subscription catalogue' table: subscriptionCatalog.json

Subscription purchases

The Repository template will also allow to store information related to a list of subscriptions from your catalogue. As the concept of subscription is quiet broad depending on the industry: media, sport, services,.. the use of this template can be easily adapted to suit your own specific activity, with slight modifications if needed.

In Actito, there are various use fort his information:

  • Thanks to the "eventsToTrigger" definition, an event will be registered in Actito for each line creation, which allows to trigger a scenario as soon as a subscription is created for a profile.
  • You can trigger scenario for the renewal of the subscription.
  • You can customize your communications with subscription data.
  • You can condition an e-mail depending on whether a profile has an active subscription

The following attributes are predefined for the 'Subscription purchases' template:

  • The Id of the subscription purchase
  • The Id of the subscription
  • The source
  • The status
  • The date of the purchase
  • The address of the recipient ('street', 'number', 'post code', 'city', 'country' and 'additional information' attributes)
  • The contacts data of the recipient ('email address', 'phone number' attributes)
  • The recipient information ('lastname' and 'firstname' attributes).
  • The currency
  • The payment method
  • The start and end date
  • The total amount of the purchase
  • The id of the profile, which is used as link with the profile table. It can be the technical profileId or any key of your profile database.

Download the JSON definition file template for a 'Subscription purchase' table: subscriptionPurchases.json