Deleting Profiles based on a List
To delete a whole list of profiles, go to the 'Profile tables structure' app (Apps > Data > Profile tables structure)
A. Choosing the table
Select the profile table in which you want to delete a large amount of profiles by the clicking on the relevant line. It will turn green.
B. Deleting profiles
Next, in order to delete some of the profiles from this file, click on the 'More' button and select 'Delete profiles'.
Step 1: Upload the file
You will reach a screen where you will have to:
Import a .txt file containing only ONE unique ID for the profiles you need to delete. You file should therefore only have one column.
Select the key of the file that you want to use: this is the ID in your file. Any key and unique attribute of your database can be used. They will appear in the drop-down menu.
(For instance, 'emailAddress' and 'ProfileID' may appear in the drop-down menu)
Step 2a: Process the file
You may start to delete profiles by clicking on 'Start deleting'
Please note that there will not be any additional validation after you click on 'Start deletion': it will start right away.
The profiles will be definitely deleted, with all the entailed consequences.
The length of the deletion process will depend on the size of your file, and therefore on the amount of profiles geared towards deletion.
The maximum file size is 10 MB.
The file must also meet the following conditions:
the file format must be: .txt
the file encoding must be: UTF-8
the file must only have 1 column with unique IDs
the first line of the file cannot be a title
Step 2b : Download the result of the deletion
Once the deletion is finished, you may download the report file.
It will show whether each profile in your txt file was deleted or not (in the 'success column, with 'Y' for Yes and 'N' for No).
If a profile was not deleted, a short explanation will be given. Typically, it would be because the profile could not be identified with the provided ID.