Getting started with Facebook Audiences
The Custom Audiences module enables you to synchronize profiles of your Actito database with audiences on Facebook (and Instagram), allowing you to use data from Actito to create the target of your social media ads, and to integrate them in a multi-channel strategy.
You are able to do the set-up in full autonomy, as it involves linking your Meta Business Suite directly to Actito through Facebook Login.
To use the Actito Custom Audience module, make sure that:
- The e-mail address (or the mobile phone number) is a key in your Actito database, as it is the id used to link audiences to Facebook accounts.
- You have a Business account in the Meta Business Suite.
Linking your Facebook business account to Actito
Creating an integration
Admin users of your license can start the integration in the License configuration tool.
Select the 'Integrations' app to start the process.
Then click on 'Create an integration'.
Choose the partner with which you want to create an integration. Facebook is currently the first and only possibility for social media. It gives access to the Meta Business Suite, which is compatible with both Facebook and Instagram.
General data
You can now define the setting of your Facebook integration.
An integration is defined as the link between 1 Actito database and 1 Facebook Ad account.
- First give a name to the integration (if you have several Business accounts/ Ad accounts for your different brands/pages, you will need to set-up an integration for each one. The name is useful is differentiate them).
- Choose the database to which the integration will be linked, and the entity on which it is stored. Each integration can only be linked to one database.
It is possible to set up an integration to the same Business/Ad account with several databases (for example, if you have 'Clients' and 'Prospects' databases tied to the same Facebook page).
In this case, you should however be careful to assign different audiences to the databases, in order to avoid overwriting data.
- Select the profile table attribute used as reconciliation key between Actito and Facebook.
The profile key must be either the e-mail address and/or the mobile phone number, because these are the possible identifiers used when someone creates a Facebook account. The chosen attribute must be based on the predefined attributes emailAddress or gsmNumber.
Facebook parameters
Next, click on the blue 'Connect Facebook with Actito' button to link a Facebook Business account to your license using the secure proprietary Facebook Login application.
A pop-up window will prompt you to enter your Facebook credentials.
It must be a user with admin rights on a Business account.
If the Facebook 2-factors authentication is activated on this account, you will also have to enter it.
After logging in, select the Business account tied to your user that you want to connect to your license.
Then select the Ad account that you want to connect. All the audiences that you want to use in Actito need to be tied to this Ad account.
You can then review the features to which the Actito-Facebook integration will have access.
These permissions are limited to the 'Ads' tools, of which the Custom Audiences are part. Note that the creation and management of your ads, as well as associating them with audiences, will remain entirely done in the Meta Business Suite.
Here we are! Your Facebook business has been connected with your license.
Once the connection is done on Facebook, the ID of your ad account will appear in the creation modal.
Do not forget to click on 'Save' to complete the process!
Reviewing integrations
The ready-to-use integrations are displayed in the 'Integrations' app.
Click on 'View definition' to review the details of the integration, such as the associated database or Facebook Ad account.
Integrations can be edited to change their name. Other parameters cannot be changed. If you need to modify the database or the ad account tied to the integration, please create a new one and delete the previous one. Please note that deleting an integration will unsynchronize all audiences and associated rules in Actito.
Using an integration
Now that Facebook has been connected to your license, you can continue the integration.
Go to Creating a Custom Audience to create audiences in Facebook and in Actito.