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Monitoring my Alerts

In your Marketing Automation strategy, many objects are interconnected: for instance, you can have campaigns used in scenarios, which are triggered by forms.

It is not always easy to foresee the consequences that an action on one element can have on the other types of objects: for instance, deleting a campaign used in a scenario means that this scenario will encounter an error. Or deleting a field in your database can impact the targeting of campaigns that referred to this field.

The 'My Alerts' app is there to help you spot definition errors in your ongoing processes, meaning that something is incorrect in the content or the parameters of an object as a whole.

Thanks to the error message, you will easily be able to spot where the issue is. Then, you'll be able to correct the definition error, or perhaps to de-activate the object if it appears that it's actually no longer in use.

'My Alerts' central app

The 'My Alerts' app can be reached from the 'My Account' menu, in the top right corner of the interface.

All users able to create marketing objects have access to the 'My Alerts' app.

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If you have objects in error, a red light shines next to the app, allowing you to easily know when to check your alerts.

When you enter the 'My alerts' app, you get an overview of all definition errors in the whole license, with the details of how many databases are encountering errors.

Filtering your alerts

Use the dropdown list to add a filter on the database that you want to review. The number of errors in each database is displayed next to its name, allowing you to quickly identify which ones need a specific check.

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The 'My alerts' app monitors 7 different channels:

What about data synchronization?

You can get the execution results of your data imports and exports in the 'Finished' tab of their own app, respectively Manage imports and Manage exports.

The number of errors is displayed for each channel next to its icon. Click on it to toggle the display of the respective objects in error.

Channels without any definition error are greyed out.

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When an object is in error, it means that its definition is invalid. For instance, because it refers to another element (campaign, scenario, table, saved targeting...) that no longer exists.

The app does not highlight specific campaign interactions that fall in error, such as when a profile does not receive an e-mail because its weight is over 4MB, or an SMS campaign because there are not enough credits remaining.

Investigating your alerts

Below the filters, all objects in error are displayed, sorted by channel.

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The error monitoring runs once per day. This means that new objects created since the last daily check may not be flagged immediately after their creation, and that correcting an object may not immediately remove the alert.

Click on the 'Refresh' button to re-run the alert watchers of the database you selected (or all of them if you didn't select any filter).
The checks may take a few minutes. You can leave the app during the refresh, but you won't be able to trigger a new refresh if the previous one is still running.

The columns give you the following information:

  • In error since: date since when the object encounters a definition error. This is helpful to investigate the error when its cause is the deletion of an element, but also to determine its criticality.
  • Type: icon of the channel
  • Name: display name of the object in error
  • Database: name of the profile table to which the object in error is related
  • Last refresh: date when the error monitoring ran last (daily check or last use of the 'Refresh' button)
  • Action: 2 actions are possible:
    • click on the 'eye' icon to view the detailed error message related to this object (see below for explanations)
    • click on the 'redirect' icon to reach the app of the related channel, with a filter on the name of the object. In the dedicated apps, a warning icon identifies the objects in error.

Before investigating an error, it might be a good idea to look at the last interaction date of this campaign/scenario.
Indeed, some targetings and scenarios can become invalid because they refer to a table that no longer exists, to closed forms, to archived campaigns, etc.

Sometimes, an error is simply a signal that some objects need to be cleaned up rather than corrected.

Understanding error messages

Let's review the most common error sources and determine what to do when you encounter specific messages.

All campaigns

The following messages can be encountered on all campaign types (E-mail, SMS, Push).

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
The referenced personalization variables are invalid.The definition of a personalization or a condition cannot be calculated anymore in the campaign. It can happen if it references an object (campaign, form, table, table attribute...) that does not exist anymore.Correct the campaign to update the personalization definition.
Invalid targeting criteria.The targeting of the campaign cannot be calculated anymore. It can happen if it references an object (campaign, form, table, saved targeting,...) that does not exist anymore.Correct the campaign to update the targeting criteria.
The related saved targeting no longer existsThe campaign targeting referenced a saved targeting that has been deleted.You need to create a new saved targeting and refer to it in the campaign, as deleted saved targetings cannot be recovered.

Saved targetings can become invalid if their criteria refer to an object (campaign, form, table, saved targeting,...) that does not exist anymore.

As the 'Manage saved targetings' app does not track when a 'saved targeting' was last used, there is no error watcher on 'saved targetings' themselves.

If a campaign or a scenario references an invalid 'saved targeting' block, the error is flagged in the respective campaign or scenario category.

E-mail campaigns

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
The related subscription no longer existsThe subscription linked to the e-mail campaign has been deleted from the profile table structure.Correct the campaign to select another subscription. You can also confirm that the campaign should not be linked to any subscription (although this is not recommended).
Either no sending domain or not a transactional one.The sending domain of a transactional campaign is missing or not properly configured as a non-filtered transactional domain.Correct the campaign to select a transactional domain in the Advanced parameters at step 1, or contact your account manager to discuss the set-up of a transactional domain.
An element of the e-mail campaign is missing.A content element of the e-mail campaign is missing. It can be:
- The subject
- The sender
- (Part of) the HTML content
- An RSS block reference
Correct the campaign and check that all these elements are correctly configured at the General Data or Message steps.
An absolute link used in the message is invalid.One link in your e-mail is not an absolute link, meaning that it does not start with http(s)://.Correct the campaign and look for a link that that does not follow the URL constraints. This is often related to a personalization appended to a relative link.
The related unsubscribe scenario no longer exists/is no longer activeThe unsubscribe scenario used in the campaign has been deleted and as such, unsubscribe links can't be generated anymore.Correct the campaign to select a new unsubscribe scenario at step 2. You may need to replace generalData by targetGroup directly in the URL bar of your browser to reach step 2.
Error related to unsubscribing scenario. Please contact support.The user who created the unsubscribe scenario selected in the campaign is not active anymore, preventing access to this scenario.Please contact Actito support, as this requires a technical intervention.

SMS campaigns

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
Invalid message in the campaign.The message content is missing or invalid.Correct the campaign and check the 'Message' step.

Automatic segmentations

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
Invalid targeting criteria.The targeting of the segmentation rule cannot be calculated anymore. It can happen if it references an object (campaign, form, table, saved targeting,...) that does not exist anymore.Correct the segmentation rule to update the targeting criteria.
Default segment missing. All profiles must be qualified for mandatory exclusive segmentation.The segmentation is mandatory, but no default segment have been defined in MATCH mode.Correct the segmentation rule to specify a default segment at step 2. Profiles who no longer match the segmentation criteria will be pushed into the default segment.


Scenarios can have many paths depending on the filters and profile conditions. Sometimes, 99% of interactions might not encounter any error, with the warning being encountered on the least used path.

In such cases, you may want to double-check the relevance of said path before deciding to correct the issue by launching a new scenario.


If the same message is repeated multiple times, it means that several blocks in the scenario encounter a similar issue. For example, if several 'Send an e-mail' blocks refer to campaigns that are no longer active.

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
The related saved targeting no longer exists.The saved targeting used in a Start or a Filter block of the scenario does not exist anymore. All profiles reaching this block will fall in the error exit.The scenario presumably encounters a large number of interactions in error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario and correct the saved targeting reference. Impacted blocks display '?' instead of the targeting name. Then, launch the new scenario.*
The related subscription no longer exists.The subscription used in the Start block of the scenario does not exist anymore. Profiles can no longer enter the scenarioThe scenario can only encounter error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario and correct the Start block. Then, launch the new scenario.*
The related e-mail campaign in the scenario no longer exists.The campaign used in a 'Send an e-mail' block does not exist anymore. All profiles reaching this block will fall in the error exit.The scenario presumably encounters a large number of interactions in error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario and correct the e-mail campaign. Impacted blocks display '?' instead of the campaign name. Then, launch the new scenario.*
The related SMS campaign no longer exists.The campaign used in a 'Send a sms' block does not exist anymore. All profiles reaching this block will fall in the error exit.The scenario presumably encounters a large number of interactions in error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario and correct the sms campaign. Impacted blocks can be identified as '?' is displayed instead of the campaign name. Then, launch the new scenario.*
No e-mail campaign defined in a scenario block.There is no e-mail campaign in a 'Send an e-mail' block. All profiles reaching this block will encounter an error.The scenario presumably encounters a large number of interactions in error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario and correct the e-mail campaign. Impacted blocks display '?' instead of the campaign name. Then, launch the new scenario.*
A related form is empty.The form that triggers your scenario no longer exists or is inactive. This means that no profiles can enter the scenario anymore.Copy the scenario and correct the 'Form' start block. Then, launch the new scenario.*
A scenario element is referencing an object that no longer exists.An element other than those mentioned above has been deleted/deactivated.Copy the scenario and search the other blocks for an empty one, or a '?' reference, and correct it. Then, launch the new scenario.*
Error related to your migration to New Mail. Please contact support.A 'Send an e-mail' references a campaign that was not entirely migrated from the old e-mail engine.Campaigns from the old e-mail can no longer be sent. As we monitored and alerted licenses in which sendings on the old engine were still attempted, it is likely that the scenario no longer pushes any profile to this specific block. Check if it's still relevant. You can also finalize the migration of the campaign.
Scenario triggering not possible due to an incorrect campaign status or type.The campaign used in a 'Send an e-mail' block is no longer active (finished, cancelled,...) or not in the correct sending mode (oneshot instead of scenarized).The scenario presumably encounters a large number of interactions in error and should be stopped. Copy the scenario, cross check the 'Send an e-mail' blocks with the in-progress campaigns, and correct the inactive e-mail campaign. Then, launch the new scenario.*

If the 'Start' block that triggers your old scenario is a saved targeting or if you have conditions on the number of executions, proceed with caution before launching a new scenario.

You may need to add extra criteria to make sure that profiles who entered the old scenario do not immediately enter the new one when they shouldn't.


Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
The related integration configuration no longer exists.The link between your Facebook account and Actito is broken. Audiences can no longer be synchronized.Correct your existing integration, or create a new one then create a new audience with this new integration.
The related profile table no longer exists.The profile table on which the integration was set-up has been deleted.You need to create a new integration with another profile table, then create a new audience with this new integration. The old integration can be deleted as it is no longer functional.
The integration configuration is related to a deleted profile attribute.The key attribute on which the integration was set-up has been deleted.You need to create a new integration with another profile attribute, then create a new audience with this new integration. The old integration can be deleted as it is no longer functional.

Audience rules

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
Invalid targeting criteria.The targeting of the audience rule cannot be calculated anymore. It can happen if it references an object (campaign, form, table, saved targeting,...) that does not exist anymore.Correct the audience rule to update the targeting criteria.

Push campaigns

Error messageWhat does it mean?What to do?
The integration configuration is no longer valid.The integration encounters an error, possibly because the API tokens to contact the partner are no longer valid.Contact Actito support to correct the integration.

Alerts in dedicated apps

In the dedicated app of each channel covered by the alert center (Manage e-mail campaigns, Manage Scenarios, etc), a warning sign in the 'Status' menu to the left of the screen also signals that some objects are encountering errors.


As the alerts are definition errors, they are mostly to be found on 'In progress' or 'Active' elements, rather than 'Sent' one-shot campaigns.

In the impacted tab, the total number of objects in error is displayed in the top right corner.

These objects can be identified easily thanks to the small warning icon next to their name.

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Hover your mouse over the warning icon to get additional information regarding the error (see above for possible causes). The information message will help you determine the best course of action to correct or clean-up the object.


Errors warnings are computed once a day. Even if you correct a campaign, it could therefore still appear in error.

Go to the central 'My alerts' app and 'refresh' the watchers to validate that your correction fixed the error.