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Monitoring License Usages

Actito helps to monitor your license usages.

For this, a dedicated app gives an overview of the actual usage of your license, in comparison to the resources allocated in your package. It is accessible by default to users having "admin" configuration rights.

In order to guarantee service continuity, some usage thresholds are not blocking and exceeding them will not prevent you from creating new resources in the related app.

In consequence, this consultative app can also help to understand the situation in a discussion about the alignment between your actual consumption and your contract.

Accessing the app

License usage can be monitored through the "My consumption" app, which can be reached via the "My account" menu when you click in the top right corner button with your initials.


Understanding the app

You will reach an overview of the different themes and channels of your Actito license.

We will detail each usage threshold section by section.


Each section is updated daily (as specified by the "latest update" date and time below each section).


The section covers the usage of the different communication channels used to send campaigns with Actito.

This usage is defined in terms of interactions. An interaction is 1 campaign sent to 1 profile.

The maximum of interactions depends on the maximum number of profiles provided by your contract and the allowed average number of interactions per profile.

The number of interactions is calculated by billing period (usually 1 year). The "consumption since" date next to the title informs you on the start of the calculation (depending on the contract date or the start of the year).

The following channels are tracked in terms of interactions:

  • Marketing e-mails (includes all e-mails sent from a regular sending domain, from one-shot, scenarized and AB testing campaigns)
  • Transactional e-mails (includes all e-mails sent from a non-filtered domain, after being prompted by a profile action)
  • Print campaigns
  • Social campaigns
  • Call center campaigns



SMS campaigns are dependent on SMS credits to be sent.

The credits must be provisioned on the license. This section informs you on the number of credits remaining in your license (over all entities).


Data Model

This section covers the usage in relation to your data models.

This includes:

  • The number of Profiles in your licence, over all your profile databases
  • The number of Profile tables
  • The number of Custom tables (Interaction, Linked Data and Repository tables) in your data models
  • The number of Subscriptions (over all your profile databases)


This section covers your usage regarding the Actito channels integrated to your website or landing pages : Goals to track visits on your webpages and Forms.

This includes:

  • The number of goal interactions per profile (overall). An interaction is recorded every time a profile triggers a goal.
  • The number of active Website visits goals
  • The number of active Transactional goals
  • The number of active Forms or landing pages



This section covers your usage regarding all the actions that you can automate in your license, either by triggering daily or upon meeting specific set criteria.

Such automated actions include:

  • The number of active Scenarios. Scenarios are triggered by a profile action or through a recurring profile selection.
  • The number of active Segmentation rules. Segmentation rules are calculated daily to populate your segments.
  • The number of active Daily exports. Daily exports include all automated recurring exports in your licence, namely incremental and periodic full exports, as well as OUT flows, which are custom incremental exports set up by the Actito team upon request.
  • The number of active Newsletters. Newsletters are campaigns for which the HTML content is retrieved automatically and that are sent everyday at a set time to a set profile selection.


License settings

This section covers everything related to the set-up of your license, including user management, deliverability settings, as well as how the data is partitioned and stored.

This includes:

  • The number of active users (all users with direct access to the platform interface)
  • The number of active API users (technical users with access to Actito's webservices)
  • The number of E-mail sending domains (includes all domains that have been set up to allow you to send e-mail through Actito, both standard and transactional)
  • The number of Entities in your licence (entities being a subdivision of your licence to partition resources)
  • The Data retention period as set by your contract : this is how long campaigns (all channels) and scenarios are kept are being finished (sent or no longer active). As profile interactions are kept as long as the resource to which they are tied exists, this is in fact also the retention time for profile interactions.


Assessing your license usage

Next to each usage entry, a bullet point will indicate the status of your usage in comparison to the thresholds defined by your contract.

  • Green means that you are below the prescribed usage threshold.
  • Yellow means that your usage is "at risk" of reaching the threshold, which is equivalent of 80% of the prescribed usage. The "at risk" flag only exists for interactions and profile number usages.
  • Red means that your usage exceeds the usage threshold prescribed by your contract. Exceeding this limit will not prevent you from creating new interactions, but a discussion with your account manager may be necessary.

If warnings are activated in your license, you will be warned of the exceeded usage through various visuals cues:

  • The top right icon with your initials and the "My consumption" app will be highlighted with a red halo.


  • When navigating in the application for which the usage has been exceeded, you will be reminded of your total of interactions and that any new action may bring your usage even more over your prescribed threshold.


  • Users with Admin rights in the license will receive an e-mail notification. The idea is to open a dialogue with your account manager, not to spam you: you will only receive this e-mail once per threshold when the daily calculation detects a usage overflow.
