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Actito Transactional Messaging Platform (ATMP)

Transactional Module

When Actito took over the Actito Transactional Messaging Platform, also known as ATMP, a transactional module was already integrated in the platform and has only grown stronger since 2022. The use of the Integrated Transactional Module, known as ITM, offers to a marketeer:

  • A unique platform for marketing and transactional campaigns
    • Global view on marketing and transactional campaigns for the marketing teams
  • Brand coherence between transactional and email campaigns
  • The Data Model available at the user's fingertips

Though Actito had inherited an advanced platform (ATMP) - to handle transactional campaigns, the Integrated Transactional Module (ITM) is today more coherent in terms of design, user experience and even now in terms of technology. This module has become as efficient as ATMP and will be even more performant thanks to future upgrades.

As improvements will only be made on ITM, it has been decided to come to the end of service of the Actito Transactional Messaging Platform (ATMP).


As of March 31, 2025, it will no longer be possible to use ATMP.

If your account manager has not yet suggested starting to use ITM, you may engage with our teams: we will guide you in an optimal way to ensure a timely migration, thus avoiding any service interruption in delivering your transactional campaigns.

What will you gain by using ITM?

Sending transactional campaigns through ITM offers several advantages:

  • Unique platform for all marketing and transactional campaigns that enables to have a global view on both types of campaigns
  • Email creation through the Actito email editor (drag&drop) and availability of the saved templates
  • Creation of multilingual campaigns
  • Mirror links available without parametrisation
  • The SMS channel is available for transactional communication
  • Click tracking available by default
  • Reporting and exports available in Actito, with a minimum of 12-month history
  • Visualisation of the Data Model in the Datamart Studio and use of the Actito interface
  • Sending of the campaigns through APIs (with attachments) or scenarios
  • Hosting of the images possible in the template
  • Management of loops and personalizations in the campaigns


The following steps will guide you to facilitate the adaptations that must be made to get up and running quickly in ITM. This investment will make you more efficient and allow you to benefit from this module:

1. Configuring the Actito licence

Activating ITM in the licence

Once confirmed that you want to start using ITM, Actito teams will enable this feature in your licence. When enabled, you will have the opportunity to choose the "transactional" email campaign type at the creation of a campaign.


Please contact your account manager to plan your transition to ITM.

Configuring deliverability preferences


Need a reminder about deliverability and what it entails? Check our training sessions about this topic!

When moving from ATMP to ITM, the deliverability configuration will be reviewed. A dedicated sending domain will be configured on your Actito licence for the sending of transactional campaigns:

  • If you did not have a generic domain, the ATMP domain can be reused
  • If new, the domain will need to have never been used in the past

This dedicated domain will need to be delegated to Actito. It will be configured on a new dedicated transactional IP by the Actito teams.

This dedicated IP will be new. Therefore, a ramp-up period will be needed. The natural ramp-up of this IP will be discussed with an Actito deliverability expert.


At the setup, a short analysis will confirm the type of domain(s) that need to be configured. If a marketing domain is needed too, we can consider setting it up.

Defining the Data Model

To setup ITM, a choice must be made regarding the data model to use in Actito:

  • Using the existing data model, also used for marketing campaigns
  • Setting up a stand-alone profile table dedicated to transactional campaigns

To determine the most appropriate solution for your needs, please refer to the documentation.

2. Preparing the campaigns

Creating the content

As for any transition, a few changes are needed in the HTML of the campaigns that were imported into ATMP. The modifications to make are explained in this document.

Depending on whether you are using HTML or Actito templates, the steps to create your content will vary. However, some steps are common to both. Everything you need to know is explained in the document.

Mapping the content in Actito

Whether you are importing an HTML or using the Actito templates, you will need to map the personalizations, conditions and loop blocks in the personalization panel.  

The data source of your personalizations will mostly come from API. The necessary information about personalizations provided by API is available in the documentation.

Once your email is ready and the personalizations, conditions and loops have been mapped, you can test it. You can use an already existing testing group or create a new one (Portal > Profiles > Testing groups).

At the check&test step, you will have the opportunity to test the "Provided by API" personalizations. You will find more information about this topic in the documentation.

3. Routing the campaigns by modifying the APIs

Like in ATMP, the campaigns in Actito will be triggered by API. Therefore, the API calls that were used in ATMP need to be switched. We recommend modifying the APIs progressively to ensure the ramp up (see point above about the deliverability set up).

In the developer's portal, you will find the information that will enable you to adapt the calls: