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API Reference Reorganization


The Actito API are made of two versions that co-exist with small format differences: V4 and V5. Since 5 years, new operations were developed in V5, whose philosophy was to improve format consistency but not to replace altogether the previous version.

To enhance clarity and functionality, we have reorganized the Actito API structure, moving from the current V4 and V5 distinction to a more intuitive categorization.

Now a developer who needs to trigger a scenario doesn't need to check if the appropriate operation is in the 'Scenarios V4' or the 'Scenarios V5' API: there is only one 'Scenarios' category.

This re-categorization implies a small change to the URL of all operations of the Actito API.

What changes?

The URL of all API operations have been updated to include the API category in the path, before the version. For example:

  •{entity}/mail became{entity}/mail
  •{entity}/profile-tables became{entity}/profile-tables

Only the URL of the calls is impacted. Their scope, the parameters or the content of their body remain identical.

Existing URLs will continue working until June 2025.


The downloadable OAS specs have been updated as well.

What needs to be done?

You API calls will need to be updated to the new URL scheme before the end of June 2025.

Which means that until then, all old URLs will continue to work a usual.

As a marketeer, we invite you to check your current usage of the Actito API with your technical team or partners and plan the update appropriately.

As a developer, you will need to update your API calls to the new URL scheme with the API category 'prefix'.

Past June 2025, only the new URLs will remain operational.


We strongly advise to already implement any new development with the new URLs, as documented everywhere in the developers portal as of now.

How can developers update their calls?

Depending on their code, developers may need to update a parameter or make a simple 'find and replace' to update the paths of their calls.

To help make this operation as easy as possible, please find hereby a mapping between the old and new URLs of all operations.


Download the mapping file HERE.

Why are we making this change?

The existing version-based API reference can be confusing. As both versions co-exist, developers needing to push data or trigger campaigns through the Actito API often require a mix of V4 and V5 operations, making it unclear which version to use.

By reorganizing the API reference into business categories, we aim to simplify this process.

Nevertheless, due to their format difference, the concept of version remain visible in the path of the calls. Both versions continue to co-exist and only operations that exist in both versions will eventually be discontinued in the older version.

Does anything else change?

This reorganization means that operations, regardless of their version, will now fall under the same umbrella of API categories. A limited number of operations are currently overlapping, existing both in V4 and V5 versions.

These overlapping V4 operations are deprecated in favor of their V5 counterparts, with their end-of-service date referenced in the maintenance calendar.

Again, it is not planned to entirely phase out V4. However, maintaining identical operations in both versions is redundant.

We strongly recommend that developers, while updating the URL paths, also update their code to use the V5 methods.