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Calculating Dynamic Aggregates

Actito allows a targeting based on dynamically aggregated databases, which means without any pre-calculation. The calculation is made at the time of the launch of the targeting.

The following functions are available in modules related to "Custom Tables":

  • "Count" = Number of XXX (at least one)
    Ex: all profiles with more than two purchases

  • ”Sum” = Total of XXX (with at least one line) Ex: all profiles which purchased for more than 500€ (Sum(totalPrice) >= 500€)

  • "Min" = Minimum of XXX (with at least one line)
    Ex: all profiles whose smallest purchase is over 10€
  • "Max" = Maximum of XXX (with at least one line)
    Ex: all profiles who never purchased anything worth over 50€
  • "Average" = Average of XXX (with a least one line)
    Ex : all profiles with an average basket valued at more than 60€

The "Sum", "Min", "Max" and "Average" functions are only available for non-unique fields of type INTEGER or real number (NUMERIC)


The "Count" function is also available in the 'Email (Advanced)', 'Goals' and 'Scenarios' modules to count the number of interactions or executions.



When a module is selected, only profiles with at least one data entry in the relevant table will be taken into account.

Consequently, it is not possible to indicate 'Number of purchases = 0' to target profiles which have not done any purchase, as at least one purchase is needed.
To use this kind of targeting, you need to use the 'Invert Selection' feature.

The available operators are:

=Search for strictly equal value
<Searches for value(s) lower than
<=Searches for value(s) lower than or equal to
>Searches for value(s) greater than
>=Searches for value(s) greater than or equal to
[ ]Searches for value(s) between the selected values (selected values included)