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Manage API users

Managing API Users

One of the main aims of Actito is to offer you a great level of connectivity in your marketing approach. That is the reason why we invest our efforts in making possible the exchange of data between Actito and other systems specific to your activities.

The available public APIs allow you to interact with Actito without having to do it through the Actito interface.

Using an API requires a specific user account, different from the access account for the interface.

The 'Admin' users of a licence can create this type of account directly from the "API users" app in the License configuration platform.


Creating an API user

On the app's start screen, you will see all the existing API users.

To create a new one, click on "+ Create an API user".


Next, fill in the information for the new API user:

  • Application name: specify the name of the app that will use this key to connect to Actito. This allows you to quickly make the distinction between keys used by internal or 3rd party integrations.
  • Entity group and default entity
  • Custom Access Rights

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Manage custom access rights

Just as the access rights to the platform are defined by the user configurations, it is possible to restrict the calls that can be made by an API user.

The administrator of the API users of a license can define the rights for each user (No access/Read/Read and write) for different operations grouped under 4 categories.

The rights can be edited by clicking on the 'Edit' button.


In the interface, the administrator can define access by module and by level. To do so, he must select the level of access he wants to give to the user to different modules that belong to different groups (detailed below). Once the accesses have been selected, you must click on "Save" so that the selection is saved.

There are 3 different levels of access:

  1. No access: the user will not be able to make any calls on this module
  2. Read: from a technical point of view, the user will only be able to make calls with the GET method on this module
  3. Read and write: from a technical point of view, the user will be able to make calls with all the methods implemented on this module (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE,...)

Then, there are 4 different groups structured in modules:

Data structure

This group allows you to manage the structure of profile tables and custom tables.

Data exchange

This group includes data exchanges such as data imports, file transfers and ETL synchronizations, profile and custom data management, webhooks, goals and forms.

Profile activation

This group includes actions that enable profiles to be activated through communication channels such as e-mail &sms campaigns, external HTML content libraries, transactional mailings, scenarios, and synchronized targeting files.

Actito configuration

This group contains the tasks and custom actions to integrate Actito with external systems.


To get the category details of each existing API call, download the following file: taxonomy-api-rights-en.xlsx. It contains the taxonomy of these different categories with the associated modules, the possibility or not to define an access right, the groupings of operations according to the structure of the documentation for developers, the URL of the documentation related to each call and the scope (Read/Write):

In the developer portal, the necessary rights are also specified under each call.



When we talk about "write" access in Actito API rights, it systematically implies the highest level, which gives access to both read and write information. There is no access level that allows only writing, without reading.

Define the contact information

Actito frequently releases updates to the platform, including the Integration Framework. As such, existing APIs can be subject to change. Please read our change management policy and fill in the contact details of the person in charge of maintaining the API connection.

The following details are mandatory:

  • Contact e-mail address
  • Language

The e-mail address will be used to notify the app owner of breaking changes in accordance to our change management policy.
The person or mailing list behind this address should therefore be in charge of following-up to such notifications.
Access to this e-mail address is not required to operate the API key.

The following contact details are optional and only used to personalize change notifications and give additional details regarding the owner of the app.

  • Team name
  • First name
  • Cellphone number
  • Sex

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Manage existing users

Once the user has been created, you can always access the user contact data by clicking on "View". You can also modify the contact data by clicking on "Edit".


View the API key

The authentication generated by the "Manage API users" app is done through an API key-based system. This system offers a greater level of security and autonomy, and gives you direct control over the API management, which will not depend on a password that, if reset, could have an impact on your integrations.

To see an account ID, click on "View API key".


The API key is a character string that your IT team can use to connect to the API. With the button at the right, you can directly copy the key to share it with the relevant people.


Securing the key

Your license API keys will only be available from the "Manage API users" app. This app is only accessible for users with the "AdminUser" rights configuration.

This means that only the license administrator will have control over the API users, who are usually members of the internal IT team or external providers. The information required to create an API account includes the user's e-mail address and the phone number so that the license administrator can communicate the key through a secured channel.

An API key is enough to connect and it is not linked to a password. In this way, there is no risk that the credentials will be lost or forgotten, as they will be always stored on the "Manage API users" app.

However, there are different ways to block the access of an API key.

Resetting the key

Resetting the key allows you to cut off its access if it has been compromised. This action will interrupt all the existing API calls. A new secure key will be generated right away so that you can set up again the legitimate calls.

Revoking the key

Revoking a key means deleting it. It will not be valid anymore, including the existing calls.

A revoked key cannot be recovered.

Deactivating a user from the app's main menu will have the same effect. The user will then appear in the deactivated users' tab. In the event of reactivating a deactivated account, it will be necessary to reset the user key.


Deleting a user

It is also possible to completely delete a user through the buttons "More" and "Delete".



Resetting, revoking, and deleting a key will disconnect all the API calls set up with that key.

Using the API key

When setting up an API, the key is not used directly as an identifier.

The key is used to generate an access token that will be valid for a limited time (15 minutes) and that you must include in all your calls.

For example, to generate a token in the TEST environment, the call will be


with the API key in the "Authentication" header.

GET Token

-X GET '' \
-H 'Authorization: qhdfbvdh747R49FRHrthqhdfbvdh74' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

The token generated can be used for the authentication of calls during the following 15 minutes. It must be passed as a 'Bearer' Authorization in every call.

Exemple Bearer Token

-X GET '' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer
eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJqdGkiOiI0IiwiaWF0IjoxNTg2ODY1MjE1LCJpc3MiOiJhY3RpdG8iLCJleHAiOjE1ODY4NjYxMTUsImxpY2VuY2VJZCI6MTI3NDAsImFjY291bnRJZCI6MTIsInBvbCI6Im1haW5Qb2xpY3lBcGkiLCJzdWIiOiI2ZWY3YjZmYS0wYTc1LTQ1YTYtYmE5My1iZGY5MmUyZjg3NDAifQ.umizXm0TueN6jRkMCaz9AnQP30qNxud5XIxnZiPzz24L8Aon7WKeJ8_49xcjsTe_v13nv4AI9991Mw_k9bvQffT__eikkv9UMmZ22wvQr5UxCH5Y-NkxFRctEGLjmkEdFFe2EuOkF1GjsIetPrJgY-_L6bpoa3G0o69IWavBIFowQtw_q0FOPaZ_JtBLiDiFH59IM5s4-8S-QAhGkGgjOhTzqBTyDBGj8cqnhvr9eFwgoxGSAZ1QLGU5yTRyIJm8Uaq97M5UhKn98ixK4oQhQvVKwW9MDgGyf0jLFLEFO7l9kyFON34OsxiTyK58U_OFJzehgxqRokBE3wXWo9rKEA" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

For more information about the URL used to generate the token in the different environments, or about authentication in a broader sense, there is an article about it in our technical documentation that your IT team might find helpful.

API key-based authentication is compatible with versions 4 and 5 of our public API.

Restricting the IP address

For additional security, you can associate the API key to a specific IP address (or a range of IPs).

Activate the "Advanced parameters" when you create a new API user or edit an existing one to restrict the use of the key to a specific IP.


If an API request is intercepted from an unauthorized IP, it will be rejected and a warning will be sent to the e-mail address associated with the key.

The restriction can either be defined as a simple IP address or as a CIDR address (subnet).

In the latter case, the range must be provided with the format IP + CIDR.

For example, to put a restriction on IP with a subnet mask of, the value that should be provided in the restriction would be

CIDR - Subnet correlation table

CIDRAvailable bitsSubnet maskNumber of hosts per subnet
/131128.0.0.02^31^-2 = 2 147 483 646
/230192.0.0.02^30^-2 = 1 073 741 822
/329224.0.0.02^29^-2 = 536 870 910
/428240.0.0.02^28^-2 = 268 435 454
/527248.0.0.02^27^-2 = 134 217 726
/626252.0.0.02^26^-2 = 67 108 862
/725254.0.0.02^25^-2 = 33 554 430
/824255.0.0.02^24^-2 = 16 777 214
/923255.128.0.02^23^-2 = 8 388 606
/1022255.192.0.02^22^-2 = 4 194 302
/1121255.224.0.02^21^-2 = 2 097 150
/1220255.240.0.02^20^-2 = 1 048 574
/1319255.248.0.02^19^-2 = 524 286
/1418255.252.0.02^18^-2 = 262 142
/1517255.254.0.02^17^-2 = 131 070
/1616255.255.0.02^16^-2 = 65 534
/1715255.255.128.02^15^-2 = 32 766
/1814255.255.192.02^14^-2 = 16 382
/1913255.255.224.02^13^-2 = 8 190
/2012255.255.240.02^12^-2 = 4 094
/2111255.255.248.02^11^-2 = 2 046
/2210255.255.252.02^10^-2 = 1 022
/239255.255.254.02^9^-2 = 510
/248255.255.255.02^8^-2 = 254
/257255.255.255.1282^7^-2 = 126
/266255.255.255.1922^6^-2 = 62
/275255.255.255.2242^5^-2 = 30
/284255.255.255.2402^4^-2 = 14
/293255.255.255.2482^3^-2 = 6
/302255.255.255.2522^2^-2 = 2
/311255.255.255.2542^1^-0 =2
/320255.255.255.2552^0^-0 =1

Keep in mind that an IP restriction is ideal to restrict the access only from your machines with a fixed IP, but less so if the key will be used for manual testing/implementation by human users with dynamic IPs.