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Handling deliverability issues

When we face a deliverability issue, the most important thing is to identify the source of the problem and to fix it as soon as possible.

How do I react if I identify a deliverability issue?

When a webmail starts classifying your emails as suspicious or spam, your opening rate will drastically drop. Our advice is always to react immediately!

The first question that you should ask yourself is: Does the issue affect all webmail providers? For that, the campaign's report on opening rates per webmail will be very helpful.


In the image we can see that Gmail, the most common provider in the database, is the one with the worst performance.

On the one side, when it's an isolated case, it means that the webmail is filtering our messages. It is then necessary to analyse and understand the reason behind: a too big target, filtered content, too many complaints...

On the other side, if the issue affects every webmail, it means that your messages are not appropriate.

Solution: come back to the core of your target, the most active addresses, and send the next messages only to them. You'll have lower volumes, but greater engagement.

In this way, we will achieve a higher reactivity rate from the webmail point of view. The webmail might then be in a position to 'forgive' the temporary problem that you had and to facilitate again the delivery of your messages to the recipient's inbox.

Additional information to detect delivery issues

You can use monitoring tools provided by webmail providers or by independent companies:

Who can help me?

Have you identified an issue or the Actito support team has helped you identify the source of your performance problems, but you need further help to tackle the problem?

As you already know, it's not easy to regain your reputation score. A very thorough process needs to be followed.

The preparation and the execution of the process requires time and it should be done as soon as possible, so that you can reach again your full performance.

Actito offers you the support and the advice of our deliverability experts. We can help you design an action plan, or we can even put it into practice for you.

If you would like to take this opportunity, do not hesitate to contact your account manager.

You can also turn to other experts outside Actito. There are some agencies that are even partnered with us!