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Creating a Segmentation in a Profile Table

To create a segmentation go to the 'Segmentations' app (Catalog > Profiles > Segmentations)



There is a difference between 'Creating a segmentation' and 'Adding a contact to a segment':

  • By 'Creating a segmentation', you will create the structure to collect the information.
  • By 'Adding a contact to a segment', you will determine that a profile belongs to a segment.

Segmentations are no longer created through the 'Profile tables structure' app. They now have their own app.

The 'Segmentations' app displays all the existing segmentations from all the DBs of your licence.

This screen displays the name of each corresponding segmentation, its type, the related database, the segments it is made of and its creation date.

Through the filters to the left, you can choose to only display segmentations related to one specific database, choose the type of segmentation to display (simple or exclusive), and to choose to display the segmentations that have a - or do not have - active automatic rules.


Creating a segmentation

Click on 'Create a segmentation' to set-up a new segmentation in any database.


Step 1: Type of segmentation

You will have to choose between a simple segmentation and an exclusive segmentation.

Choose the relevant tab, click on 'From blank', then on 'Next'.



There's a difference between 2 kinds of segmentation in Actito:

  • A simple segmentation groups together all profiles with a common characteristic. They are either member of the segmentation, or not.

For example: in an 'Active' segmentation, a profile is either active, or does not belong to the segmentation.

  • An exclusive segmentation groups together profiles that belong in a type of classification that contains various segments.

For example: a 'Client type' segmentation will consider all profiles who are already clients, then break them down into tiers like Gold/Silver/Bronze.

Step 2: Segmentation parameters

To define a segmentation, you will have to:

  • select the database to which the segmentation will be added

  • define the name of your segmentation

  • determine if you want to track the history of the arrival of the profile in the segmentation/ its transition from a segment to another one. This is mandatory if you want to create marketing actions based on the transition from a segment to another one (for example: to target every contact who moved from 'potential customer' to 'customer')

Exclusive Segmentation

Details of the step if the chosen type of segmentation is Exclusive


  • Mandatory: tick this box to make the segmentation mandatory for the whole profile table. It means that each profile will have to belong to one of the segments of the segmentation. All profiles will be categorized by this segmentation.
    Therefore, a 'default segment' will be required.

Making your exclusive segmentation 'Mandatory' will allow your automatic segmentation rule to be both simple and optimal by using the 'Add' action.

  • Segments: an exclusive segmentation is made of sub-categories, named 'segments'. A least two segments are required (otherwise, creating a simple segmentation is advised).

  • Default segment: if a new profile is created without being assigned a specific segment, they will automatically belong to the default segment.

  • Add existing profiles to a segment: allows to assign a segment to all profiles already in your database.

Simple Segmentation

Details of the step if the chosen type of segmentation is Simple


  • Member by default: you have to tick this box if you want each new profile created after the creation of this segmentation to be directly added to it.

If you check the "Member by default" box, every new profile will be automatically added to the segmentation right after their creation without taking into account any automatic segmentation rule in place for this segmentation.

This means that a profile will be added to the segmentation even if it does not fit the criteria defined in the rule. Profiles who do not fit the criteria will only be removed from the segmentation (as long as you selected the "Match" action) when the segmentation rule is triggered (once per day).

In such a case, it is important to keep in mind that there will be a delay between the profile import and the next rule execution.

  • Existing profiles: choose whether all profiles already in your database should be assigned to this segmentation when you finish its set-up.

Step 3: Creation

To finalize your segmentation, click on the 'Create' button in the bottom right corner.

It will launch the creation. Once completed, you will go back to the screen displaying the existing segmentations, where you will see this new segmentation.

If you chose to add existing profiles to the new segmentation, your database will be automatically synchronized.

Adding a profile to a segment

After the creation of your segmentation, there are several options to specify that a profile belongs to a segment:

Updating a segmentation

By selecting a segmentation and clicking on 'Update', you will be able to edit several characteristics of an existing segmentation.


You can update:

  • The name of the segmentation and of its segments

  • Whether it is mandatory

  • The default segment

It is not possible to change the database linked to a segmentation, or to activate the segmentation 'History' if it was created without.


Viewing the definition of a segmentation

By selecting a segmentation and clicking on 'View definition', you will get its details, namely:

  • the characteristics of the segmentations (if it's mandatory, historicized, has a default segment...)

  • the number of profiles from your DB who belong to the segmentation, and the breakdown for each segment of an exclusive segmentation

  • the rules that feed each segment. As said above, automated rules are created in a different app. However, the 'View' button gives you an overview of your rules directly in the 'Segmentations' app. This allow you to easily find how your profiles are assigned to each segment.


Manage segmentation rules

By selecting a segmentation and then the 'Segmentation rules' button, you get a redirect link to the app for setting up automatic segmentation rules.

You will be redirected to the 'Segmentation rules' app with the prefilled filters, so that you only see the rules related to the segmentation you selected (a segmentation can be linked to several rules: for example, one rule per segment for exclusive segmentations).
