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Requesting Data Portability

According to GDPR, any person whose data are processed has the right to request their personal data from the data processor and to transfer it to another data processor, without hindrance from the data controller and without withdrawing their right to be forgotten. A profile has thus the right to request an extract of its data from the data processor.

In Actito, the data retrieval is possible thanks to the 'GDPR export'.

You can make a manual export of this data via the interface or you can use the standards Webservices of Actito.

1. Make a manual export via the interface

To make a 'GDPR export', go to the 'Profiles' app (Apps > Profiles > Profiles).


Select the DB in which the profile is located and click on 'View profiles'. View profiles

In the profile table, select the profile, click on 'More' and then click on 'GDPR Export' in the dropdown menu.

GDPR Export


You can easily find a profile using the quick search function, which allows you to filter the profiles in the table by e-mail address, for example.

A window will open. Click on the 'Export' button to start the export. Popup window

You will extract a ZIP file that includes all the personal information of the profile, collected in a .csv file. It will be available in the 'Transfer box' App.

To retrieve the export file, go to the 'Transfer box' app (Apps > Data > Transfer box).

Transfer Box

You can find the file based on its name (it will mention the execution data of the export). This file will be available for ten days following the execution date it was produced. After this date, the file will be automatically deleted from the 'Transfer Box'.

Export files

You will have to download the file in order to transfer the export of the requested personal data to the appropriate new data processor.

2. Make an export via Actito standards webservices

You can make an export using the Actito standards webservices.

To find out more about API calls and how to use them, go to our developer documentation: