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Managing Unsubscribing Processes per brand

In some cases, particularly in the media industry, all profiles are commonly shared in a unique profile table. This common profile table is located on an entity (A) to which all users have access.

Next to this shared entity, there exists one entity for each business unit. These units use distinct marketing assets. They create their own campaigns, scenarios… in their dedicated entity (B).

Therefore, they also have dedicated preference centers for their business unit, using their own graphic charter and having their own questions.

The preference centers have to be linked to the profile table in which the profiles they target are located. Therefore, the unsubscribe scenario is linked to the entity (A) of the common profile table.

In order for these business units to be able to use the unsubscribe scenarios based on the shared entity (A), they can choose unsubscribe scenarios linked to the profile table of the campaign, regardless of the entity (A or B) on which the campaign is created.


Concerning unsubscribe scenarios that are not linked to a preference center, they can choose to link them either to the entity of the shared profile table (A) or their dedicated entity (B). Either way, they will be able to select this unsubscribe scenario at the second step of the creation of their campaign.

For example, imagine a media company having different departments such as sports, culture… This company has a common profile table Profiles on the entity Profiles:

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Each department has its own entity. For example, the business unit related to sports has a dedicated entity called Sports. Individuals working in the sports departments have access to the entities Profiles and Sports. The department related to culture has a dedicated entity called Culture. Individuals working in the culture department have access to the entities Profiles and Culture.

If an individual working in the Culture department wants to create a preference center, they will have to link their form to the profile table Profiles located on the entity Profiles, as the profiles they will target in their campaigns are in this profile table:

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Therefore, during the creation of the unsubscribe scenario, the individual will have to choose the entity Profiles:

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In the second step of the creation of their unsubscribe scenario, they will have the opportunity to choose the preference center they created previously, which is located on the entity Profiles:

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Naturally, in the first step of the creation of his campaign, the individual will choose to create its campaign on its dedicated entity Culture:

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At the second step, they will have the opportunity to choose the unsubscribe scenario they created previously...

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... even if this unsubscribe scenario was created on the entity Profiles and the campaign on the entity Culture.