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Correcting email campaigns

Scenarized and transactional campaigns have the particularity to stay in progress for a certain period of time, according to the time the scenario runs or the campaign needs to be sent to customers. Therefore, these campaigns stay in the "In progress" tab for as long as the campaign is used.

Corrections may need to be made to the content of the campaign, in order to avoid recreating the campaign from scratch and creating new scenarios. Therefore, Actito enables you to correct your transactional and scenarized campaigns in the "E-mail Campaigns" app (Apps > E-mail campaigns > E-mail Campaigns) by selecting the campaign you want to correct, clicking on "More" and then on "Correct campaign":

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This option should be used to correct small changes in the copy of your campaign (text, image, URL). However, it is not meant to replace this campaign by an entirely new one.


No track of the changes will be kept, the old versions will be deleted. This may lead to inconsistencies in the preview of the 'Clicks' heatmap of the campaign report in case of major changes.

Note that adding personalizations with data provided after the creation of the first sending or removing the name of a link used for other actions (trigger, automation, segmentation...) might cause prejudice to those actions.

Once you have clicked on "Correct campaign", you have the opportunity to make adjustments on all the aspects of your campaign. To validate the changes, you will have to go to the "Sending" step and click on "Correct campaign":

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While the campaign is being corrected, it will appear under the name [In correction]Name of the campaign in the "In Progress" tab:

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If you leave the campaign before applying the corrections at the "Sending" step, you will not be able to click on "Correct campaign" in the "In progress" tab anymore. Your campaign will be available in the "Draft" tab under the same name [In correction]Name of the campaign:

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Here, you will have the opportunity to continue your corrections by clicking on "Edit". Do not forget that your corrections will only be applied once you validate them at the last step of the campaign.